Twenty-first century brought family disagreement at the Primates Meeting

The second instalment, following the first, on the Primates’ meetings then and now. The last four Primates Meetings, which took place every two years between 2005 and 2011, saw major discussions break out revolving around issues of human sexuality, particularly concerning the blessing of same-sex unions. Striving for unity amidst open differences, the differing views … Continued

Gifts for Mission: Decrease infant mortality by installing solar panels on a health clinic

Electricity is one of the cornerstones of development—a key part of the infrastructure that enables poverty reduction and the provision of vital services such as health care. In many rural areas of Tanzania, conventional sources of electricity delivered through the national grid are prohibitively expensive and will not be available for years or decades to … Continued

The Primates Meeting: Bringing together parts of one whole

With the latest Primates Meeting set to take place in Canterbury from January 11-16, Primates from across the worldwide Anglican Communion will soon be making their way to England to address some of the most pressing concerns for Anglicans around the globe. Each of the 38 provinces that make up the Anglican Communion is autonomous, … Continued

Keeping Anglicans Talking: New video series ponders big questions

A new Keeping Anglicans Talking (KAT) video series is starting to roll out online. Bringing together a range of diverse voices from the Anglican Church of Canada, the latest round of KAT Talks presents two topics: “Choosing Christ” and “What Could We Be?”. Filmed in Vancouver and Halifax by Anglican Video and made possible through grants … Continued

Gifts for Mission: Support ministry in the Canadian North

Anglican dioceses in Northern Canada face unique challenges when compared to their southern counterparts. The vast distances between parishes, isolation of many remote communities, and the distance from urban centres, among other factors affects ministry. The Council of the North is a meeting of northern dioceses chaired by Bishop Michael Hawkins, who describes the council … Continued

Gifts for Mission: Support the Sacred Circle

The origins of what became known as the Anglican Indigenous Sacred Circle go back to 1988, when Indigenous Anglicans from across Canada came together for the first time in what was then called Native Convocation. At that time, former Indigenous Ministries Coordinator Donna Bomberry—who continues to serve today as a member of the Sacred Circle … Continued

Canadian churches mark 40 years of recognizing one baptism

In 1975, five major Christian churches in Canada reached an agreement recognizing the validity of each other’s baptisms. Forty years later, the mutual recognition of baptism by the Presbyterian, Lutheran, United, Roman Catholic and Anglican (PLURA) churches stands as a historic milestone in the ongoing ecumenical movement. A news release from the Canadian Conference of … Continued

Applications open for Justice Camp 2016 in Cuba

An ongoing grassroots project to develop effective social justice leaders, the eighth Justice Camp organized by the Anglican Church of Canada will take on an international dimension next year as the event is held outside of Canada for the very first time. Justice Camp 2016 will take place in Matanzas, Cuba and runs from Sunday, … Continued