Subsidized Green Building Audits available for parishes

Creation Matters, the environmental working group of the Anglican Church of Canada, has partnered with Greening Sacred Spaces to offer a program subsidizing “green building audits” for parishes. Faith and the Common Good—The Green Building Audit aims to reduce the impact of parishes on the natural environment by helping them find easy, cost-effective ways to make … Continued

Bishop of Indigenous spiritual ministry receives honorary doctorate

The Rt. Rev. Lydia Mamakwa, Bishop of the Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh, has received an honorary doctoral degree from Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto. Bishop Mamakwa accepted the degree—Doctor of Divinity—on Monday, May 11 at the college’s annual convocation ceremony, where she addressed more than 35 graduates from the Class of 2015 … Continued

Bible translation workshop focuses on First Nations languages

For five days in April, First Nations translators gathered together in Guelph, Ont., for a workshop on developing the knowledge and skills to translate the Bible into their native languages. Conducted by Wycliffe Bible Translators in partnership with the Canadian Bible Society and the Anglican Church of Canada, the Mother Tongue Translator Workshop brought together … Continued

Highlights from the Council of General Synod: May 1, 2015

View or download a PDF version of Highlights from the Council of General Synod: May 1, 2015 Council members gathered at 8:45 a.m. at the Queen of Apostles Retreat Centre in Mississauga.  Eucharist, Bible Study and Check-in The day began with a Eucharist service. In his homily, Archbishop Fred Hiltz referenced Herbert O’Driscoll’s reflections on … Continued

Ecumenical event highlights missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls

Members of the Anglican Diocese of Saskatoon joined other denominations on Saturday, April 18 for a day-long ecumenical response to the ongoing crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. Taking place in the city’s Mayfair United Church, Voices of Our Sisters: Standing Together in Hope brought together a range of speakers, and included … Continued

Resources available for Jerusalem Sunday

With the second annual observance of Jerusalem Sunday just around the corner, a number of new liturgical resources are available online for parishes planning to join the celebration on May 17. Links to the resources can be found on a single convenient web page. The resources include information about Jerusalem Sunday, liturgical materials, prayers, sermon notes … Continued

The pollination garden at St. Andrew Memorial Anglican Church in London, Ont., was planted in the shape of the St. Andrew’s Cross. Submitted photo

Pollination gardens embody stewardship of creation

Doing their part to restore balance to the local ecosystem, Anglican churches throughout the Diocese of Huron have planted pollination gardens to feed area bees as part of the Garden4Bees project. The area in recent years has seen a noticeable decrease in the number of pollinating insects, a problem exacerbated by the use of insecticides. … Continued

Church investors sign ecumenical letter calling for price on carbon

Leaders in the Anglican Church of Canada have joined counterparts from other denominations in signing a letter that urges the Canadian government to establish a basis for pricing carbon dioxide emissions. Written on behalf of 53 religious institutional investors with combined assets of more than $2 billion, the letter is addressed to federal Finance Minister … Continued

Document reaffirms fight against anti-Semitism

The re-release of a document exploring the context of the Holocaust is the latest step taken by the Anglican Church of Canada to promote Christian-Jewish dialogue and continue the struggle against anti-Semitism in all its forms. Commended in 1989 by the church’s National Executive Council—the precursor to the Council of General Synod—From Darkness to Dawn: … Continued

Parish invites church members on eco-ministry trip to Costa Rica

Members of the Parish of Glengarry in the Diocese of Ottawa are set to embark on a journey to Costa Rica in February 2016 to learn about ecological ministry—and spots are still available for any Anglicans across Canada who wish to join them. Clergy and parishioners—in an effort to advance the commitment to eco-justice and … Continued

Boy in need gets new ride from Anglican Foundation

A boy in St. John’s, Nfld., is the owner of a new manual wheelchair, thanks to the Anglican Foundation of Canada and its Kids Helping Kids Fund. Ten-year-old James Renouf received his gift following a request to the Foundation by Rhonda Noseworthy, a social worker at the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre in St. John’s. … Continued

Anglicans push for gender equality at UN commission

Highlighting the global struggle for gender equality, Canadian Anglicans joined counterparts from across the worldwide Anglican Communion at the 59th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) from March 9–20. A group of eight Canadian Anglicans comprised of six women and two men, including one bishop, travelled to New York … Continued