Peace on Earth: A Christmas Greeting

The annual Christmas greeting by leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) has become a holiday tradition symbolizing the full communion partnership the two churches have enjoyed since 2001. In their 2014 Christmas video message, Fred Hiltz, Primate of the ACC, and Bishop Susan Johnson, National Bishop … Continued

Algoma parade float embodies Marks of Mission

Sharing the Good News in spectacular fashion with a Christmas parade float depicting the birth of Jesus, the Deanery of Algoma is the latest beneficiary of the Marks of Mission Champions initiative, organized by the Anglican Church of Canada. An effort to promote the five Marks of Mission, the initiative provides $1,000 grants to each … Continued

The Gospel behind bars

Prison Ministry in the Council of the North is grounded in the power of grace and transformation. Across the Council of the North, Anglicans are bringing the healing and reconciling presence of Christ to northern prisons. On a snowy Sunday afternoon in Iqaluit, Captain Cyrus Blanchet makes the drive to Baffin Correctional Centre. “Sometimes it … Continued

Rois listed in top 100

Leigh Anne Williams, Anglican Journal General Synod Communications and the Anglican Journal, the church’s editorially independent newspaper, have entered into a partnership to distribute stories of national significance. This story is shared through this arrangement. This story was originally published on the Anglican Journal website on November 26, 2014. The Rev. Canon Judy Rois, executive director of … Continued

Anglican-Catholic dialogues discuss marriage, physician-assisted suicide

Representatives of Canada’s Anglican and Catholic churches recently met for five days of diverse discussions characterized by candour and charity. The joint and separate meetings of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada and the Anglican-Roman Catholic Bishops’ Dialogue of Canada took place November 8-12, 2014 at the Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. … Continued

Foundation gives kids a lift

Leigh Anne Williams, Anglican Journal General Synod Communications and the Anglican Journal, the church’s editorially independent newspaper, have entered into a partnership to distribute stories of national significance. This story is shared through this arrangement. This story was originally published on the Anglican Journal website on November 12, 2014. The Anglican Foundation has formed a new partnership with … Continued


The following is a statement from Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. No matter where we are this Remembrance Day, whether a local cenotaph, a neighbourhood church, our home or workplace, we shall all in some way be drawn to Canada’s National War Memorial. The observances there will be especially poignant … Continued

Anglicans, Lutherans called to lift up National Housing Day: November 22

On November 22, Lutherans and Anglicans are called to lift up National Housing Day 2014, learn more about the issues contributing to poverty, homelessness and substandard housing, and advocate for changes. Inadequate housing and homelessness impacts a growing number of Canadians. An estimated 400,000 people are without access to a healthy place to live. These … Continued

African Primates meet bishops of The Episcopal Church in search of transformation through friendship

A meeting of five African Primates with bishops of The Episcopal Church took place at the General Theological Seminary in New York, from the 8th to the 10th of October, 2014. It was convened by the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Bishop Katharine Jeffert-Schori. The meeting, described as groundbreaking, is the first in over a decade where a group of African Primates have met with leaders of The Episcopal Church to discuss matters of mutual interest in doing God’s mission.

Home-grown ministers for home-grown ministries

The Kootenay School of Ministry (KSM) is a theological training ground like no other. It has no walls, no permanent facilities, migrates around the largely rural Diocese of Kootenay, and enjoys a rotating roster of faculty drawn from across the Canadian church. Eight years ago this school-without-a-school was just a vision emerging from the diocese’s changing ministry needs. Today it is flourishing and a wellspring of hope.

A call to prayer

Once again we are at a moment in history when the world God loves is on high alert. The terrorist movement known as ISIS continues its aggressive campaigns to conquer Iraq, Syria and other nations. The world has witnessed horrific crimes against humanity and in the considered opinion of global leaders ISIS poses a very … Continued

Wrong number, right message

She prayed about it and then settled on who she’d like to invite for the inaugural Back to Church Sunday. When the spirited inviter phoned the person she had in mind, she—accidentally and providentially—dialed the wrong number.

Stronger Together: diocesan youth ministry practitioners convene in Winnipeg

On September 30 and October 1, youth ministry practitioners will convene at St. Benedict’s retreat centre outside Winnipeg for their fourth consecutive annual gathering. At ‘Stronger Together’ those who are instrumental in supporting youth ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada come together to enjoy a rare opportunity … Continued

Ottawa church responds to graffiti with missional art

For those with an imagination and a can of spray paint, this wall stands out as an impressive canvas. For some, this invites vandalism including tagging and hate speech. For others, like Trinity incumbent the Rev. Arran Thorpe, this same slate is a chance to showcase commitment to the Marks of Mission and to bring about renewal in the community.