Servants by the Sea: Deacons to gather in Halifax

The Association of Anglican Deacons in Canada will gather in Halifax, Nova Scotia from August 14 to 17 for a time of fellowship and community building.  Throughout “Servants by the Sea,” deacons from across the Canadian church will enjoy workshops suited to diaconal ministries, including ones on advocating for the unemployed, outreach in the 21st … Continued

Living Partnerships, Living Peace: Padi Rex visits Canada

For Rev. Rex Reyes, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of the Philippines—or simply Padi Rex, as he is better known—partnership characterizes all that he is and all that he does. It is his celebration of peace and justice, which takes on myriad forms. From filming food security messages with Archbishop Fred Hiltz, … Continued

Youth ministry undergoes colourful, online transformation in Moosonee

The 22 parishes of the Diocese of Moosonee are spread out across 560,000 square kilometers in northern Ontario and Quebec. This expanse—second only to the Diocese of the Arctic in area—presents unique challenges for growing and strengthening youth ministry. With support from Anglicans across Canada through Gifts for Mission, combined with the hard work and … Continued

Anglican Journal names new editor

General Synod Communications and the Anglican Journal, the church’s editorially independent newspaper, have entered into a partnership to distribute stories of national significance. This story is shared through this arrangement. This story was originally published on the Anglican Journal website on July 15, 2014. Marites (Tess) N. Sison has been appointed editor of the 139-year-old Anglican Journal. She moves … Continued

Bishop Sue Moxley appointed to Communion network

General Synod Communications and the Anglican Journal, the church’s editorially independent newspaper, have entered into a partnership to distribute stories of national significance. This story is shared through this arrangement. This story was originally published on the Anglican Journal website on July 9, 2014. Bishop Susan (“Sue”) Moxley, well known to Anglicans in Canada and overseas as … Continued

Mission, Ministry, and Motorcycles in Cuba

On June 26 and 27 Bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio, diocesan bishop of Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba enjoyed a pastoral visit with Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada and chair of the Metropolitan Council of Cuba. To celebrate this visit, we are highlighting some ways the ACC and IEC are living … Continued

Canadians named to Anglican Communion ecumenical dialogues

Two Canadian Anglicans have been appointed to serve on international-level ecumenical dialogues. The Rev. Dr. Tim Perry of the Diocese of Algoma has been named to the new round of theological dialogue initiated between the Anglican Communion and the World Communion of Reformed Churches. The dialogue will explore issues that emerge in areas where Reformed … Continued

Learning to call one another friends: The Primate’s Commission on Discovery, Reconciliation and Justice

At General Synod 2013 Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, announced his intention to form a commission on Discovery, Reconciliation and Justice. Members of the commission were recently named and had their first meeting. What follows is an account of their time together so far written by Commission member John Bird. … Continued

Our Journey toward Reconciliation: Bishops in Dialogue issue Testimony

The fifth meeting of the Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue took place in Coventry, England from May 22 to 25, 2014. Please click here for a full text of their joint statement, “A Testimony of Our Journey toward Reconciliation.” The Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue brings together Anglican bishops from Africa and North … Continued

Making connections, energizing parishes: National Consultation on Congregational Vitality takes place

From May 14 to 16, 2014 a diverse group of seventy-four Anglicans and Lutherans gathered for a church-wide consultation in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Sharing a common passion for congregational development, this group represented twenty-four Anglican dioceses and three synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Congregational development is an eclectic ministry that looks different … Continued

Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue meets in England

The fifth meeting of the Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue takes place in Coventry, England from May 22 to 25, 2014. The Consultation brings together Anglican bishops from Africa and North America in hopes of building common understanding and respect. Beginning in 2010, a rotating group of approximately two-dozen bishops from Canada, the United … Continued