This Christmas, give a bike ambulance

The last thing you want to do when you’re giving birth is walk 20 kilometres. But for years, that’s what the women of Kitele, Mozambique, did: when the contractions started, they started walking along the hot, dirt road, to the medical clinic. Some women died on the way. Babies too.

Tune in to our Advent podcasts

Let General Synod’s Advent podcasts be your companion this season. Take them for a morning walk. Listen while you do the dishes. They are designed as devotional anchors during a time often stuffed with tinsel and parties.

Get your divine photos in, quick!

You’ve probably got a collection of them already: beautiful photos that remind you of God’s presence in the world. You may think of them as just nice shots, but you know there’s something of the divine there: a striking cityscape at dusk, an unguarded grin on the face of your beloved, or an abstract image that keeps the eye guessing.

Justin Welby appointed 105th Archbishop of Canterbury

The Queen has nominated the Right Reverend Justin Welby, MA, Hon FCT, the Lord Bishop of Durham, for election by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury in the place of the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Rowan Douglas Williams, MA DPhil DD FBA, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England and Metropolitan.

Farewell to an iconic bookstore

How do you mourn the passing of a space? At its peak, Toronto’s Anglican Book Centre was a town square where people gathered to buy things they needed and to see people they liked. Today, the business is no longer viable and the store will close on Jan. 18, 2013.

Reconsider chaplaincy cuts, Primate urges

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has asked Public Safety Minister Vic Toews to reconsider his decision to cancel the contracts of all 49 part-time federal chaplains. The early October decision not only reduces the overall number of chaplains but also minimizes the presence of non-Christian chaplains, he said.

Follow Canadian blog at Anglican Consultative Council

The three Canadian delegates to the Anglican Consultative Council are blogging about their experience as the council holds its 15th meeting in Auckland, New Zealand, Oct. 27 to Nov. 7. Blog posts are written by Dean Peter Elliott (Diocese of New Westminster), Suzanne Lawson (Diocese of Toronto), and Bishop Sue Moxley (Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island).

Toronto’s Anglican Book Centre to close

It is with sadness that the Anglican Church of Canada and Augsburg Fortress Canada announce that the Anglican Book Centre at 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, will close on Jan. 18, 2013. Canadian Anglicans will still be able to order resources online and by phone through Augsburg Fortress Canada.