Winning song takes hope seriously

When Jaylene Johnson talks about hope, she isn’t offering up platitudes. The Winnipeg singer-songwriter has been through many ups and downs, including a traumatic car accident in 2004 that left her with what she calls “brutal, daily chronic pain.”

When a roots rocker meets a "gospoet"

If you’re recording music in a Winnipeg church in the middle of winter, clanging radiators can be a major problem.

So Alana Levandoski and Ignatius Mabasa recorded in shifts at Saint Philip’s Anglican Church last December, warming up the sanctuary then switching off the heat for precious minutes of chilly, but clang-free, music-making.

Anglicans help feed students in Haiti

This kind of gift is okay to unwrap early.

Already, more than 200 people have given hot school lunches to Haitian children through the Anglican Church of Canada’s Gifts for Mission gift guide. Simon Chambers, communications coordinator for the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), recently travelled to Haiti and brings back these details to unwrap the gift’s full impact.

The dream of getting to zero: a statement on World AIDS Day

Today, World AIDS Day 2011, is an occasion for reflection on the reality of AIDS in our world—its impact on those who have the disease and on those who care for them, its personal and social costs and the scourge of discrimination that too often surrounds it. For the years 2011-2015, the world focus is “Getting to Zero”—zero new infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths.

"People may die if nothing is done."

The Canadian ecumenical justice group, Kairos, is seeking support for the Attawapiskat First Nation in northern Ontario. The indigenous band, which declared a state of emergency as temperatures plunged in early November, has asked the federal government to consider a temporary evacuation of its community because of a lack of housing, heat, safe drinking water and other basic needs.

Volunteer group will lead Jerusalem partnership

A new group of volunteers will help advance the historic partnership between the Anglican Church of Canada and the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. The Canadian Companions of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, whose terms of reference were recently approved by the Council of General Synod (COGS), will help connect the two regions through prayer, visits, and financial support.

Haiti elects Ogé Beauvoir as bishop suffragan

The Rev. Canon Ogé Beauvoir, dean of the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Port-au-Prince, was elected Nov. 25 to be the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti’s first bishop suffragan, pending the required consents from a majority of bishops with jurisdiction and standing committees of the Episcopal Church.

Podcast series explores Advent’s potential

The Anglican Church of Canada is offering a free podcast series this Advent to deepen people’s spiritual experience during the busy pre-Christmas season. Called “Welcoming Christ,” this series of five podcasts unfolds the beautiful potential of the Advent season—its enchantment, faith and love.