Meet the new General Secretary

Canadian Anglicans can get to know a bit about the new General Secretary, the Ven. Dr. Michael Thompson, through a one-on-one interview, available as an online video.

Hope Bear book tells foundation’s story

“Whimsical” may not be the first word that comes to mind when one thinks of the Anglican Foundation, the Anglican Church of Canada’s 54-year-old community foundation. But whimsy is the motivating force behind the foundation’s first children’s book, The Happy Adventures of Hope Bear.

Faith leaders call for climate justice

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate, has joined 25 other faith leaders in issuing their first united call for climate justice. The Canadian Interfaith Call for Leadership and Action on Climate Change asks the Canadian federal government to take specific action against climate change at the UN conference in Durban, South Africa (COP17), Nov. 28 to Dec. 9.

Diocesan gift will support Suicide Prevention Program

A $100,000 grant from the Diocese of Toronto will expand suicide prevention work in Canada’s north. This gift, reflecting a portion of sales from the diocese’s surplus properties, was presented to the Suicide Prevention Program of the Council of the North, the Anglican Church of Canada’s ten northern dioceses.

Ministry on motorcycles in Cuba

Hitchhiking priests are common in Cuba. Cars are expensive and hard to acquire, so ministers must get creative with parish visits. Some spend hours on local transit. Some spend precious pesos on taxis. Others hitch rides and some just walk.

Guide gives voice to Palestinian Christians

It’s a small booklet—47 pages—but with much food for thought.

A Moment of Truth: Kairos Palestine is a new, ecumenical study guide that offers a Christian message to the world about what is happening on the ground in Palestine. The booklet is produced by the Canadian Churches’ Forum for Global Ministries (CCFGM), an ecumenical global ministry coalition co-founded by the Anglican Church of Canada.

Meet the Internet priest

Earlier this month, the Rev. Jesse Dymond began his work as General Synod’s first online community coordinator. A priest in the Diocese of Huron, Mr. Dymond brings a wide range of experience in parish ministry, theological reflection, technology, and communications.

Send us your songs

Dust off your guitar. Warm up your voice. Gather your friends as background vocalists and record a song for the Marks of Mission song contest. Just make sure you do it soon—all submissions must be received by Oct. 14.

We’re stronger together, say Anglican, Lutheran youth coordinators

Meeting on scenic Thetis Island, B.C., 24 Anglican and Lutheran regional youth coordinators planned the future of their joint ministry work at Stronger Together 2011, Sept. 13 to 16. The consultation emerged from grassroots energy to support and connect youth coordinators who work at the levels of dioceses (Anglican) or synods (Lutheran).

Give a gift for mission today

As of today, with a couple of clicks, you can support the mission of the church through the new, online Gifts for Mission gift guide. Dozens of different gifts are available. You can support a national youth ministry forum, fund the work of northern clergy, give hot lunches in Haiti, and much more.

PWRDF aid gets through in Kenya

PWRDF is a member of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), an organization comprised of 15 Canadian Churches and agencies working together to end hunger through food aid, food security, education, and action. PWRDF is part of the $8.8 million response that CFGB is implementing in East Africa. PWRDF is helping to provide food and cooking supplies to 8400 households affected by the drought in Kenya through CFGB.