Zimbabwe priest robbed of communication equipment

This is an update in the continuing conflict in the Anglican Church of Zimbabwe, which has been under attack by excommunicated bishop Dr. Nolbert Kunonga. The Anglican Church of Canada has a historic relationship with Zimbabwe and has in the past provided grants to theological colleges and student interns in Zimbabwe, as well as supporting visits of Canadian volunteers.

Handbook helpful for shared ministries

In towns and cities across Canada, churches are crossing denominational lines to set up shared ministries. A new handbook—jointly produced by Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and United church national offices-offers help to these communities, which must negotiate their own unique future together.

Michael Thompson appointed General Secretary

The Ven. Dr. Michael Thompson, rector of St. Jude’s Anglican Church in Oakville, Ont., will serve as the Anglican Church of Canada’s next General Secretary, starting Nov. 1. Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate, announced Mr. Thompson’s appointment to Church House staff on Sept. 6.

Churches gear up for Back to Church Sunday

They will be hard to miss in their pointy hats and long robes, standing at a train station at 5:00 a.m.

On Sept. 22, Archbishop Fred Hiltz and Bishop Michael Pryse (ELCIC) will visit the Brampton, Ont. train station—wearing copes and mitres—and invite commuters to Back to Church Sunday (B2CS). They will join thousands of Canadian Anglicans who are inviting friends to check out church Sept. 25.

Anglicans respond to famine

PWRDF continues to respond to the famine situation in the Horn of Africa. As of August 19, Canadian Anglicans have donated $292,158 through PWRDF. The Canadian government will match all donations received by September 16 by setting money aside in the East Africa Drought Response Fund, which PWRDF and other agencies may apply to receive funds from. The PWRDF blog contains a description of how the matching funds work here.

Adventures at a Cuban youth camp

It was a hot day in Havana when Rebecca McLeod, a nursing student from Charlottetown, P.E.I., boarded a bus packed with Cuban youth. When the bus revved up, her fellow travelers pulled out a guitar and a hand drum, then launched into a 90-minute concert of folk music, all the way to their waterfall destination.

Creation is in crisis. Anglicans must act.

The effects of climate change and human-induced environmental degradation continue to accelerate in all regions of the Anglican Communion. This became starkly clear as participants in the Anglican Communion Environmental Network’s meeting in Chaclacayo (Lima), Peru, shared reports from their Provinces and met with Anglicans in the Diocese of Peru and other Peruvians engaged locally with severe environmental challenges and community initiatives.

Wanted: Creative Sunday school ideas

Are you a creative person with heaps of energy? Have you taught Sunday school? General Synod is organizing a contest to develop a Marks of Mission Sunday school resource and we want to hear your ideas.

Anglicans respond to the African famine

The worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in six decades is currently affecting up to 10 million people. The United Nations describes the situation in the region as the most severe food security emergency in the world today, with the Famine Early Warning Systems Network warning that the response is “inadequate to prevent a further deterioration.” Levels of severe, acute malnutrition in this area, particularly among children, are also of great concern. The mix of drought, skyrocketing food prices, food shortages, and deaths of livestock in large numbers has combined to make this situation a devastating one for millions of people in the region.

Lutheran national meeting wraps up full agenda

More than 500 members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) gathered in Saskatoon, Sask., July 14 to 17, for its 13th biennial National Convention. Meeting under the theme “Covenant People: In Mission for Others,” delegates passed a variety of motions, including several relating to human sexuality and structural renewal.