Rencontre annuelle du Dialogue des évêques anglicans et catholiques romains à Toronto

Toronto—Le Dialogue des évêques anglicans et catholiques romains du Canada (ARC-E) a tenu sa dernière rencontre dans la région de Toronto du 27 au 29 novembre 2019. Cette réunion annuelle est l’occasion pour les évêques de s’informer, de partager et de discuter sur leurs activités pastorales respectives, de faire le point sur l’actualité dans les … Continued

A CALL TO PRAYER from the House of Bishops

General Synod 2019 will bring three important issues before the Church:  The proposed revision of the marriage canon; a primatial election; and indigenous self-determination, in addition to other areas of our common life together. We know that the consideration of same-sex marriage has been painful and caused deep concern across our Church. Although we are … Continued

Church House welcomes new editorial supervisor

Matthew Townsend has been appointed as the Supervisor, Editorial, with the General Synod of The Anglican Church of Canada. Matthew will be providing the Anglican Journal with day-to-day leadership until December 31, 2019. He has worked in editorial, journalistic, and web development roles with a variety of organizations, including the The Living Church, the Episcopal … Continued

Highlights from the Council of General Synod: March 16, 2019

View a PDF version of Highlights from the Council of General Synod: March 16, 2019. Council members gathered after breakfast at 8:45 a.m. at the Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga. Morning Eucharist Bishop-Elect Lynne McNaughton presided at the morning worship service. National Indigenous Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald preached. Orders of the Day Dr. … Continued