Canadian scholarships boost theological education overseas

For more than 15 years, Canadian Anglicans have helped fund education for international church leaders through a scholarship program, coordinated by General Synod’s Partnerships department. The most recent scholarship was awarded to the Rev. Canon Maimbo Mndolwa, a 40-year-old Tanzanian priest, for his PhD studies.

Anglican Church Women open trust fund with Anglican Foundation

Anglicans can now receive tax receipts for their donations to the Anglican Church Women of Canada (ACW) thanks to a new trust fund established in July with the Anglican Foundation. Formed in 1885 as the Women’s Auxiliary, the ACW is a loose federation of Anglican women engaged in various kinds of ministry across Canada. Their work may include advocating for the homeless, coordinating prayer ministry, leading Christian education, or other activities.

2011 Canadian Church Calendar proclaims "all are welcome"

Since 1906, the Canadian Church Calendar has been a useful and beautiful addition to the walls of homes, clergy offices, and businesses across Canada. The 2011 calendar is now available, with 12 full-colour photos of Canadian Anglican churches and notes on liturgical colours, saints’ days, important dates, and more.

New members for standing committees and COGS

Complete membership lists of General Synod standing committees and the Council of General Synod (COGS) for the new 2010-2013 triennium are now available. At General Synod 2010, new members were elected to these bodies, and since General Synod, the Primate has appointed additional members to standing committees in order to address representational imbalances.

Seven dioceses donate extra money to Anglican healing fund

Seven dioceses have donated a total of over $240,000 to the Anglican Fund for Healing and Reconciliation (AFHR) out of the refunds they received from the revised Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA). Recent donations from the dioceses of British Columbia, Central Newfoundland, Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, New Westminster, Ottawa, Quebec, and Western Newfoundland will be specially earmarked for projects that build right relations between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals.

Lutheran World Federation assembly to focus on alleviating hunger

“Hunger is not God’s fault; it’s our fault,” said The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) President Bishop Mark S. Hanson at the opening press conference of the federation’s Eleventh Assembly. Introducing the Assembly’s theme, “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread,” the president said, “If people lack what they need for daily life, it is because we have failed to ensure that the good things of God’s creation are justly and equitably distributed to all.”

Church refocuses Jerusalem partnership in practical ways

Partnership with the Diocese of Jerusalem is emerging as an international priority for the Anglican Church of Canada. The groundwork was laid at the General Synod meeting, June 3 to 11, where in the presence of the bishop of Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani, and his wife, Shafeeqa, members passed two related resolutions: one calling for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel, and another calling to strengthen the relationship with the diocese.

Lawson to serve as consultant for Philanthropy

The Primate has appointed Suzanne Lawson consultant to General Synod’s Department of Philanthropy and Philanthropy Committee. Ms. Lawson, a former Executive Director of Program at General Synod, will help assess current philanthropic initiatives and refocus the work of philanthropy at a national level.