Tanned and triumphant, PWRDF biker returns home

“It was just a wacky idea I dreamed up in my cubicle” said a cheerful Suzanne Rumsey, who returned to work in Toronto after biking 1,600 km from Halifax, N.S. to Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Que. She pedaled the 18-day tour to raise money for the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF)—not a bad way to start her new job as the fund’s public engagement program coordinator.

General Synod 2010 full of historic and holy moments

A hope-filled and Spirit-led tone graced the closing Eucharist service of General Synod 2010 as members were sent on their way, Feeling the Winds of God — Charting a New Course, and the 39th session came to a close on Friday, June 11. For nine days at St. Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia members worshiped, prayed, deliberated, and discerned where God was calling the Anglican Church of Canada.

Consideration of the Covenant

Canadian Anglicans took a step forward in considering the Anglican Covenant with the passing of resolution A137: Anglican Communion Covenant at General Synod 2010 on Thursday, June 10.

Human sexuality statement produces historic moment in the life of the church

Through conversations, “marked by grace, honesty and generosity towards one another,” members of General Synod 2010 affirmed on Thursday, June 10 a resolution (A115: Affirmation of Sexuality Discernment) encapsulating discussions that took place through the work of various commissions and committees over the last triennium and at General Synod 2010 on human sexuality.

Resolution A115: Affirmation of Sexuality Discernment carried

On Thursday, June 10, members of General Synod 2010 passed resolution A115 — Affirmation of Sexuality Discernment. The resolution affirms a statement on the discussions that took place at General Synod on human sexuality and, “requests the General Secretary to forward it to the Diocesan Bishops with the request that it will be distributed within each diocese.”

Vision 2019 — A new plan

The church has a new strategic plan. Vision 2019, which “invites the Holy Spirit to shape the life of [the] church more and more deeply in paths of discipleship and mission”, was approved during the morning session of General Synod 2010 on June 9.

Doing church differently

The landscape of the church is changing and we are faced with a culture that has, “less knowledge of the faith,” with each successive generation. Through a dynamic presentation full of startling statistics to General Synod 2010 on Monday, June 7, members were encouraged to consider new approaches to the environments they minister in.

Canadian Anglicans commended for contribution to Anglican Communion

The Anglican Communion brings together a worldwide family of national and regional Anglican churches. It is not, “an organization or body ‘out there’ which you join or not join,” said Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon, General Secretary of the Anglican Communion, in an address to members of General Synod on Monday, June 7. “The Anglican Communion is this place,” he said, referring to the Anglican Church of Canada.

Out of Amazing Grace, a Silent Night

Christmas came early to General Synod today, as members raised their voices to sing the carol “Silent Night.” Their heart-felt performance launches the Silent Night Project: Anglicans promote peace in the spirit of Amazing Grace.

Faithful reporting provides foundation for General Synod 2010 sexuality discernment process

Discussions on human sexuality have been at the forefront of church deliberations for many years. On the third full day of General Synod 2010, representatives from committees and commissions that have done considerable work in this area, along with Archbishop Fred Hiltz, shared with the members of General Synod an overview of discussions, actions and statements on this topic which have taken place since General Synod 2007.