Anglican Foundation is Visionary Sponsor for General Synod 2019

The work of the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) will be front and centre this July when delegates gather in Vancouver for the 42nd General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. The AFC agreed to be the meeting of General Synod 2019’s Visionary Sponsor. The generous donation of $25,000 will help fund the gathering … Continued

Bringing new voices to the Anglican Church Women

The following is the conclusion of a two-part story. Read Part One. The difficulty of filling some positions in the Anglican Church Women of Canada (ACW) has become increasingly evident in recent years. In the Diocese of Saskatoon, the ACW made the decision to formally disband at the diocesan level following its spring 2017 conference. … Continued

Anglican Church Women refocus on spirituality and fellowship

Earlier this fall, the Anglican Church Women of Canada (ACW) held their annual conference bringing together presidents and coordinators of ACW diocesan groups from across the country. Meeting from Sept. 25-28 at the Our Lady of Hope Retreat Centre in Stanley Bridge, P.E.I., 32 leaders exchanged ideas and discussed the current priorities and challenges facing … Continued

Young minds meet to heal Indigenous communities

Young Indigenous Anglican leaders gathered at Church House on Dec. 15-16 for an unprecedented meeting to discuss how they could work together to tackle the crises of suicide and opioid addiction gripping their communities. The Toronto meeting brought together youth outreach workers Aaron Sault and Dixie Bird, as well as suicide prevention workers Yolanda Bird, … Continued

Edmonton consultation examines impact of human trafficking in Indigenous communities

From Oct. 21–24, the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land came together at the Providence Renewal Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, to learn about the scope of human trafficking in their Indigenous communities, and to develop strategies to—in the words of Archbishop and Primate Fred Hiltz—“rid the world of this evil”. Two similar consultations on human trafficking … Continued

Gaza hospital a “break in the hopelessness”

Submitted by Bishop Michael Ingham (retired) The Companions of the Diocese of Jerusalem is one of the new global relations programs of the Anglican Church of Canada. It is a way for our church to be in partnership with fellow Anglicans in the land of the Holy One. Currently, 8 dioceses in Canada are members, … Continued

Seniors’ ministry nourishes spiritual well-being in retirement and long-term care

Meeting pastoral and spiritual needs of seniors and the elderly can take many forms. It could involve lay people volunteering at hospitals, chatting and spending time with patients. It could also mean providing learning and growth opportunities for those who are retired and seek community. Sometimes, chaplaincy can take place at seniors’ residences or long-term … Continued

Algonquin spiritual teacher in residence appointed at Ottawa cathedral

Indigenous spirituality has a powerful new voice at Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa. In a historic appointment, local Indigenous spiritual leader Albert Dumont has been named Algonquin Spiritual Teacher in Residence for a two-year term at the cathedral. During his term, Dumont will help educate members of the cathedral community on traditional Indigenous spirituality, while deepening … Continued

Archbishop Fred Hiltz hosts regional primates’ meeting in Toronto

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ms. Meghan Kilty, MCM Director, Communications The Anglican Church of Canada 416-924-9199 ext. 230 [email protected] ARCHBISHOP FRED HILTZ HOSTS REGIONAL PRIMATES’ MEETING IN TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA [Toronto, Ont., 26 November, 2018] Primates from the Americas and the Caribbean region of the Anglican Communion are gathering in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from November … Continued