Vision 2019: What’s your holdup?

Canadian Anglicans have less than two weeks left to contribute to Vision 2019 before the Oct. 1 deadline. Already hundreds of people have sent in videos, emails, letters, and voice mails responding to the two-part question “Where is your church now, and where do you want the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019?”

Canadian and African theologians correspond about sexuality

In a kind of high-level pen pal relationship, theologians from five African dioceses are now exchanging essays about sexuality with theologians from three Canadian dioceses. Dr. Kawuki (Isaac) Mukasa, General Synod’s coordinator for dialogue, paired up dioceses during two trips to Africa, including visits to South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda from July 31 to Aug. 21.

"Hands On" event will bring together Lutheran and Anglican youth in 2010

In a ground-breaking event featuring Lutheran and Anglican youth from across the country, the National Planning Committee (NPC) for the 2010 gathering announces “Hands On” as the theme of next year’s gathering which is taking place August 19-22, 2010 in London, Ontario. Drawing from the text in Isaiah 64:8, “Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand”, the gathering will explore how God calls us to use our hands to help shape the world around us.

Sept. 13 is Vision 2019 Sunday

Vision 2019 Sunday, Sept. 13, is the next big push to get Canadian Anglicans weighing in on the future of the church before the Oct. 1 deadline. Churches across Canada are gathering responses to the question, “Where is your church now, and where do you want the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019?” Already hundreds of thoughts have poured in: affirming, critical, in emails or in art—it’s been a healthy variety.

Primate’s Middle East pilgrimage fosters partnership

On his first solidarity visit to the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Aug. 22 to 30, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, the Primate, soaked up the area’s rich history and deepened relations with the living church there. As he put it when he preached at the Jerusalem cathedral, “While I come as a first-time pilgrim to the Holy Land, I come with a commitment to be a partner in the Gospel.”

Parishes empowered with climate change action kit

It calls itself “the little church that could.” St. Philip’s in Milford, Ont. is a small but feisty community of mostly retired people who have a reputation as social justice dynamos. Now they’re sharing a new climate change action kit with the rest of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Justice Camp offered rich insights into poverty

It maybe looked like a normal summer baseball game on Halifax’s grassy commons: people lobbing the ball and laughing, with a barbeque going on the side. But for those attending Justice Camp 2009, it was a holy moment, as they played alongside low-income people for an afternoon of fun.

Primate to make solidarity visit to Middle East

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC), will travel to the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem from Aug. 22 to 30. This trip, his first to the Middle East, honours a request from General Synod 2007 for a solidarity visit to the region.

Barnett-Cowan to fill senior Communion position

The Secretary General, Canon Kenneth Kearon, has announced the appointment of Canon Dr Alyson Barnett-Cowan as Director for Unity, Faith and Order at the Anglican Communion Office. The post is a new one in the Communion, and arose after some restructuring following the election of Canon Gregory Cameron, formally Director of Ecumenical Affairs and Deputy Secretary General, as Bishop of St Asaph in the Church in Wales.

Sacred Circle reflections: Aug. 13

Read and comment on daily reflections from day four of the 2009 Sacred Circle, including:

Courage to enter the Promised Land
GBD taking off
A refreshing afternoon
Bishops’ hopeful message
Words heard
Video of Malcolm Naea Chun’s keynote address, Aug. 13

Sacred Circle reflections: Aug. 12

Read and comment on daily reflections from day three of the 2009 Sacred Circle, including:

A self-determining structure?
Arctic music delights
Mixed feelings
Communication challenges
Words heard
Video of National Indigenous Anglican Bishop’s Address, Aug. 11