Sacred Circle reflections: Aug. 10

Read and comment on daily reflections from day one of the 2009 Sacred Circle, including:

The story so far…
Lighting the Sacred Fire
What is this GBD?
First gusts of wind theme
Words heard
Video of Primate’s opening homily

Meet a visionary behind Vision 2019

In hundreds of heart-felt emails, clever videos, and collaborative letters, Canadian Anglicans are sharing their prayers for their church with Vision 2019. But who will organize this information, and how? One Vancouver consultant is ready to dig in and make sense.

Anglican leaders to support Indigenous land rights at rally

On Aug. 6 National Indigenous Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald and Archbishop Terry Finlay, the Primate’s special envoy on residential schools, will attend a rally to support the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) in their challenge of Ontario’s Bill 191: the Far North Act. The act will dictate the land use planning process in NAN territory.

Church House theologian travels "down under" to discuss liturgy

Between August 1 and 18 Dr. Eileen Scully, General Synod’s coordinator for ministry and worship, will travel to New Zealand and Australia for two international liturgical consultations. She will attend the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation (IALC) in Auckland from August 1 to 7, and the English Language Liturgical Consultation (ELLC) in Sydney from August 15 to 18.

Plans ramping up for General Synod 2010

In just less than a year, over 500 Canadian Anglicans and visitors will gather in Halifax, N.S., for General Synod—nine days of decisions, conversations, and worship. “We’re expecting perfection,” said the coordinator of General Synod planning, Margaret Shawyer, with a grin.

Basic Bible study anchors Indigenous ministries

For the past two years, Archdeacon Larry Beardy of Keewatin has been leading some exciting and difficult conversations about a new Area Mission serving communities in the dioceses of Brandon and Keewatin. What’s been easing the way? Basic Bible study, in a method known to some as Gospel-Based Discipleship.

Revived Anglican-United dialogue issues report

After six years of conversation, the Anglican-United Dialogue offers their churches “Drawing from the Same Well: the St. Brigid Report.” Formatted for quick reference, the report describes where Anglican and United churches are working cooperatively, and outlines the differences between the denominations.

Primate encourages Lutherans to imagine bold step together

“What bold step can our churches take together?” Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) asked delegates at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s (ELCIC) National Convention to consider during an evening Bible study on June 25. The Bible study is the first of three Bible studies taking place throughout the convention, which is being held June 25 to 28 in Vancouver, B.C.

Primate writes Prime Minister on Sri Lanka

What follows is the text of a letter by Archbishop Fred Hiltz, the Anglican Primate, to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

In the letter, the Primate, writing on behalf of the House of Bishops, urges the government to “assume leadership roles in international efforts to guarantee and protect the civil liberties of Sri Lankans at this critical time.”

Competition inspires fresh church music

How can we add new sparkle and life to Canadian church music? Members of the Anglican Foundation were mulling this over back in 2006, and decided to hold a competition for new musical settings to the Eucharist.

Two new VIMs, two unique journeys

General Synod’s Volunteers in Mission (VIM) program has sent unique people to unique places. How can an ordained veterinarian serve God overseas? VIM set her up to teach animal anatomy and support church life in Uganda. What about a retired couple, passionate about organic farming? VIM connected them with a participatory agricultural school in Japan.

WCC-supported film will share stories of Canada’s poor

In this big, diverse country, different kinds of people exist on the margins: Immigrants earning minimum wage in downtown Vancouver, farmers sowing crops in rural Saskatchewan, or Aboriginal teens job-hunting on a northern reserve—all share challenges of isolation and accessing resources.

One priest’s plan for Vision 2019 Sunday

The Rev. Dan Graves has a simple plan to get his church involved in Vision 2019 Sunday on June 7. During the Prayers of the People, the young and old of Holy Trinity, Thornhill, Ont. will take a quiet moment to write one prayer for the Anglican Church of Canada. Then they’ll drop it off in the offering plate.