New propers available for National Aboriginal Day of Prayer

A cathedral full of strawberries—some churches have been really creative on the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer (NADP), June 21. Eileen Scully, coordinator for ministry and worship, remembers a 2001 service in the Diocese of Huron cathedral that ended with a Mohawk reconciliation ceremony. Everyone was handed a strawberry. “That was really quite wonderful,” she said. “It was a huge celebration.”

Meet the Vision 2019 poster babies

Little Nolan Schick may have what it takes to be a future Anglican leader. At 10-and-a-half months, he already owns four Bibles and is popular in his parish, with his charming new ability to wave “hello” and “bye bye.” It is Nolan who poses as a baby bishop on posters and web banners advertising Vision 2019, a church-wide exercise to discern the future of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Anglican Covenant Working Group: Names announced

The text of the Ridley Cambridge Draft of the Covenant received strong support at the recent ACC meeting in Jamaica, however, concern was expressed that Section 4 had not received the same degree of Provincial consideration that Sections 1-3 had. ACC-14 proposed that Provinces be given time to consider Section 4, that a small Working Group be set up to consider adjustment to Section 4 of the text in the light of Provincial responses, and to ask that Group to report to the Standing Committee before the end of the year.

Anglican-Lutheran International Commission: Communiqué

The third Anglican-Lutheran International Commission (ALIC) held its fourth meeting in Lilleskog, Sweden, between 20 and 27 May 2009, under the leadership of the Most Reverend Fred Hiltz, Primate of Canada, and of Reverend Dr. Cameron Harder, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Canada, acting as Lutheran co-chair in the absence of Bishop Dr. Thomas Nyiwé, Cameroon, who was unable to attend. Commission members sent congratulations and best wishes to their colleague Professor Dr. Kirsten Busch Nielsen, who was ordained in Copenhagen during the meeting.

New handbook promotes care for military families

How do churches pray for someone heading for Afghanistan? How can a community welcome home a parishioner injured in battle? A new resource offers answers to these questions and practical advice on how Canadian Anglican churches can care for military members and their families.

Bishop’s ministry spans Cuba, Uruguay, and Canada

Bishop Miguel Tamayo Zaldívar has worn many hats—and at least two different mitres—in the Anglican Communion. The bishop of both Uruguay and Cuba was in Toronto, Ont. from May 11 to 15 with his wife, the Rev. Martha López, to receive an honorary doctorate from Trinity College and also to connect with his many Canadian partners.

COGS hears updates on human sexuality work

This past weekend marked another milestone in the Anglican Church of Canada’s discernment around issues of sexuality, as the Council of General Synod (COGS) heard updates on several related pieces of work at its meeting in Mississauga, Ont.

Vision 2019 Sunday set for June 7

Trinity Sunday, June 7, is a time to think big. All parishes are encouraged to think about the future of the Anglican Church of Canada by joining in on Vision 2019, a church-wide exercise to discern, dream, and decide where God wants the church to be by the year 2019.

Thinking theologically about pandemic

As the world tracks the spread of swine flu, churches are taking precautions for the health of their communities. This document provides some theological principles for the church’s response. General Synod’s former coordinator for dialogue, Linda Nicholls (now an area bishop of Toronto), wrote these reflections as an appendix to General Synod’s Pandemic Preparedness Plan.