A Message to the Church from the House of Bishops

Alleluia, Christ is risen, The Lord is risen indeed Alleluia

The House of Bishops has concluded five days of prayerful meetings during which we met daily for Eucharist and in small groups for Bible study. During this meeting we have been briefed extensively about many activities and programs underway in the church. We are grateful to all the guests who came to our gathering to share progress, problems and issues in their varied ministries.

Theological students prepare for cross-culture jumps

The three participants in the 2009 Theological Students International Internship Program (TSIIP) are in transition: Jeffrey Hooper and Michelle Taylor are returning to Canada from Uganda on April 22 and Nicolas Alexandre will travel to the Philippines on May 11.

Church calls for Healing and Reconciliation Month

It’s becoming a kind of “secular season” for reconciliation between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals in Canada. The weeks between May 26 (National Day of Healing and Reconciliation) and June 21 (National Aboriginal Day) also includes the June 11 anniversary of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s apology for residential schools and is often a time when the Assembly of First Nations organizes days of action to highlight Aboriginal issues.

Canadian Anglican serves dynamically in Uganda

Full of hearty laughter, the Rev. Canon Paul Jeffries spoke to staff at the Anglican Church of Canada’s national office last week about his work as principal of Bishop McAllister College, Kyogyera in southwestern Uganda. The former Volunteer in Mission (VIM) from the Diocese of Fredericton is celebrating 10 years of unusual, passionate ministry.

What would Jesus do about the oil sands? Church leaders prepare for May visit

A delegation of church leaders is preparing to explore the theological significance of the oil sands in a trip to northern Alberta from May 21 to 27. The 17-member delegation, including Aboriginal and Global South partners, will visit excavation sites and communities to listen to those connected to the industry. The event is coordinated by KAIROS, the social justice coalition of 11 Canadian churches, including the Anglican Church of Canada.

Young theologian lives out passion for ecumenism

Every six months or so, Natasha Klukach, 32, hops on a plane to go talk about theology somewhere in the world. The Toronto-based Anglican is delighted to serve on the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) 30-member standing commission on Faith and Order. This group does the theological heavy lifting on ecumenism’s toughest questions: what do Christian churches have in common? Where do they diverge, and why?

2009 Sacred Circle to consider new province

No one ever really knows what ideas will arise from Sacred Circle. It’s a unique time and space when Canadian Aboriginal Anglicans can meet, pray, worship, and dream about the future. This year Sacred Circle will meet in Port Elgin, Ont. from August 9 to 15, with the theme “The Mighty Wind of the Spirit: the New Beginnings.”

FrontRunners study guide helps residential school discussions

The award-winning Canadian film Niiganibatowaad: FrontRunners can now be used as a resource for churches to explore issues of racism, residential schools, and healing. The Anglican, Presbyterian, and United churches have collaborated on a creative study guide [PDF] that helps Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals navigate these hot topics together.