Video marks 15 years since Primate’s apology to Aboriginals

On August 6, 1993, Archbishop Michael Peers, then-Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, stood before the National Native Convocation in Minaki, Ont. and apologized for his church’s involvement in residential schools. The Anglican Church of Canada had helped administer around three dozen schools between 1820 and 1969, and many students had suffered emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.

Global Christian student assembly launches in Montreal

From Aug. 1 to 9, 180 students from over 100 countries will convene in Montreal, Que. for the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) general assembly. The event, held every four years, gathers young leaders from many traditions: Anglican, Protestant, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, and other faiths, all affiliated with Student Christian Movement (SCM) branches around the world.

Wanted: Volunteers in Mission

Thick, chewy cassava pudding was one of the unexpected joys of Lorna Reevely’s Volunteer in Mission (VIM) experience. The Toronto librarian and teacher spent three years in the Solomon Islands, mainly working at Bishop Patteson Theological College, but also spending time with the community—which sometimes meant outdoor pudding preparation with students and their wives.

Canadians invited to join bishops in MDGs walk

Approximately 600 Anglican bishops and their spouses will march through central London on July 24 to demonstrate their commitment to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Canadian Anglicans are invited to “walk along” through a letter-writing campaign that same day.

Canadians get ready for Lambeth

The Lambeth Conference is less than a month away. The once-a-decade gathering of all bishops in the Anglican Communion will run from July 16 to Aug. 3 in Canterbury, Eng. Canadian Anglicans can keep up with Lambeth’s controversies, history, and up-to-date news through the website of the Anglican Journal, the church’s editorially independent newspaper. In the meantime, here’s a quick run-down of who’s going to the Lambeth Conference from the General Synod national office.

Video captures Anglican responses to Prime Minister's apology

On June 11, representatives of the Anglican Church of Canada travelled to Parliament Hill in Ottawa to watch Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s apology to former residential school students. Anglican Video compiled the highlights of the day into a short online video. A photo slideshow is also available.

Canadians encouraged to watch residential schools apology

Anglican Church of Canada leaders are encouraging all Canadians to watch the federal government’s apology to former residential school students, to be delivered today, June 11, at 3:00 pm (ET) in the House of Commons, Ottawa. The apology will be broadcast live on CBC radio, CBC Newsworld, and CPAC. It can also be watched online at CPAC, APTN, and

Anglican Journal writer named editor of Episcopal Life Media

Solange De Santis, a staff writer at the Anglican Journal, has been named editor of Episcopal Life Media, an integrated system of web, print, and broadcast communication for the Episcopal Church of the United States. As editor, Ms. De Santis will plan and shape online and in-print content, and will provide editorial leadership for the Episcopal Life monthly newspaper.