Canadians in Cuba

Canadian Primate Archbishop Fred Hiltz chaired his first meeting of the Cuban Episcopal Church’s Metropolitan Council during a visit to that country by a Canadian delegation Feb. 4 to 11. Archbishop Hiltz also attended a meeting of the Cuban diocesan synod, visited an ecumenical seminary in Matanzas and met Caridad Diego, the Cuban minister in charge of religious affairs.

Canadians consult over Anglican Covenant

From Feb. 7 to 8, 11 Canadian Anglicans met in Winnipeg to discuss the second draft of the proposed Anglican Covenant, a document that presents affirmations and commitments about the identity and interdependence of the Anglican Communion’s 38 provinces. The Anglican Covenant is an initiative of the Anglican Communion Office and was originally proposed in the 2004 Windsor Report.

Grand Chief Stan Beardy brings ideas, proposal to Church House

When Grand Chief Stan Beardy of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) visited the General Synod offices on Jan. 21, he had two main messages for the Anglican Church of Canada: help advocate for Aboriginal rights, and allow Aboriginals to take greater responsibility for their own leadership within the church.

Launch of Lambeth Conference 2008

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, today launched the official programme for Lambeth Conference 2008 Equipping Bishops for Mission at Lambeth Palace. Joining Dr Williams on the panel were Archbishop Ellison Pogo (Archbishop of Melanesia and Chairman of the Design Group) and Archbishop Ian Ernest (Archbishop of the Province of the Indian Ocean). Mrs Jane Williams outlined the plans for the Spouses’ Conference which is being held alongside the bishops’ conference. Jane Williams was joined by Margaret Sentamu. 30 bishops from 17 provinces around the Anglican Communion also joined the press conference.

Christian conference calls for reconciliation

An interdisciplinary conference, to be held Jan. 21 and 22 at the King’s University College in Edmonton, Alta., will reiterate Canadian churches’ call for truth and reconciliation between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals. The conference, titled “Truth and Reconciliation: Healing the Legacy of Residential Schools” will include smudging ceremonies, speakers, small-group discussions, and interactive exercises.

Large donation from Huron supports stewardship program

For the past three years, Canon Geoff Jackson, senior development officer at the national office, has worked with a team of experts to cultivate good stewardship practices at the parish, diocesan, and national levels. The program was called Letting Down the Nets, and in December 2007 it received a boost with a $200,000 donation from the Diocese of Huron.

The new bishop's to-do list

“How high do you want your mitre?” This was not a question that Canon Linda Nicholls, the newly elected suffragan bishop of Toronto, had thought of when she set out to find an episcopal outfit. But now she was in a vestment store facing a selection of traditional, pointed bishops’ hats. “Which mitre best represents my ministry?” she wondered.