A go-getter comes to terms with mortality

Growing old and getting sick. We can fight back with yoga, vitamins, and lots of leafy greens, but how can we face these realities gracefully and with spiritual honesty? Sister Thelma-Anne McLeod, Sisters of Saint John the Divine, has some wisdom to share. This wise Anglican nun has written a book on the subject: In Age Reborn, By Grace Sustained: One Woman’s Journey Through Aging and Chronic Illness (ABC Publishing, October 2007).

Gladys Cook documentary wins U.S. award

A documentary by Anglican Video, Topahdewin: The Gladys Cook Story, has won a Redemptive Storyteller award at the Redemptive Film Festival, Virginia Beach, Va. The video follows the life of a 74-year-old Aboriginal woman, Gladys Cook, a survivor of the residential schools system. A public screening will be held tonight, Nov. 2, at the Regent University School of Communication and the Arts.

New Primate makes traditional visit to Lambeth

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, paid a traditional call on Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams on Oct. 16. It is a tradition for new Anglican leaders of provinces to visit the archbishop, the titular head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, at his home in Lambeth Palace.

Intertwining mission and justice at first PMEJ meeting

Fall is committee season at the Anglican Church of Canada, when teams of volunteer Anglicans meet to guide the work of particular departments of the national office. One meeting was totally new this year; the “Partners in Mission” and “Ecojustice” committees used to work separately, but now the two have been merged into the complete “Partners in Mission and Ecojustice” (PMEJ) committee, which met for the first time from October 12 to 14.

Bishop Mom

How does it feel to be the only two people in Canada who have a “Bishop Mom?” Pretty proud, we must say. It’s an awesome thing, to be elected to a leadership position by your peers.

New ELCIC National Bishop leads "in mission for others"

Bishop Susan Johnson wants to see her denomination turned inside out. The new National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), who was ordained and installed in Winnipeg on September 29, wants to turn her church’s focus away from its internal concerns and instead focus on being “In Mission for Others.”

ECUSA House of Bishops: Statement and response

In accordance with Our Lord’s high priestly prayer that we be one, and in the spirit of Resolution A159 of the 75th General Convention, and in obedience to his Great Commission to go into the world and make disciples, and in gratitude for the gift of the Anglican Communion as a sign of the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work of reconciliation throughout the world, we offer the following to The Episcopal Church, the Primates, the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC), and the larger Communion, with the hope of “mending the tear in the fabric” of our common life in Christ.

Deepening Full Communion: Lutheran bishops for Anglican dioceses?

It was an accidental picnic that first got the Anglicans and Lutherans of Carman, Man., together.

Lutheran pastor Jim Halmarson explained how 12 years ago the town double-booked the local park, so members of his congregation had to flip their burgers alongside the Anglicans. The afternoon of forced fellowship started a three-year process of closer relations, from joint worship services to eventually an amalgamated church, Grace St. John’s Anglican / Lutheran.

Bishop Ashdown to lead Council of the North

Bishop David Ashdown of the diocese of Keewatin is the new chair of the Council of the North, the group of financially assisted dioceses including nine northern dioceses, the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior in B.C., and the archdeaconry of Labrador. Bishop Ashdown was elected at the council’s April meeting and will lead the next meeting in Edmonton, Sept. 20 to 22.