Lambeth Conference plans move forward

Decision-makers met last week to continue their planning for progress plans for the Lambeth Conference 2008.

The conference ‘Design Group’, appointed by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spent five days from April 16 to 20 working on looking the conference structures, purposes, issues and programme.

General Synod 2007: IN PLENARY

Welcome to the next article of IN PLENARY, a feature that we hope will help Anglicans to appreciate and understand the complex issues that will be before General Synod in June, and also allow you to comment on those issues and to converse with other Anglicans from across the country.

House of Bishops message to the Church

The House of Bishops met at Mount Carmel retreat center in Niagara Falls from Tuesday April 17 to Friday April 20. We write this letter to the Canadian Church so that Anglicans will know what we did and how the meeting was for us. As has been our custom for the last while, we devoted the first part of our days together to prayer and Bible study.

Archbishop of Canterbury: Church needs to listen properly to the Bible

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan WIlliams, has told an audience of theological students that both intensely liberal and ultra conservative readings of the Bible are ‘rootless’ and are limited in what they can contribute to the life of the church. In the Larkin Stuart lecture, delivered today at an event hosted jointly by Wycliffe and Trinity theological colleges in Toronto, Dr Williams said that Christians need to reconnect with scripture as something to be listened to and heard in the context of Jesus’s invitation to the Eucharist and to work for the Kingdom.

General Synod 2007: IN PLENARY

Welcome to the next article of IN PLENARY, a feature that we hope will help Anglicans to appreciate and understand the complex issues that will be before General Synod in June, and also allow you to comment on those issues and to converse with other Anglicans from across the country.

Solomon Islands update

What follows is an email received from Bishop Terry Brown of the Anglican diocese of Malaita in the Solomon Islands where a powerful earthquake and tsunami occurred last weekend. His note indicates that both the damage and the death toll are substantially higher than reported by the western media. Bishop Brown is a former mission coordinator for the Partnerships department of General Synod.

Augsburg arrives at Anglican bookstore

Andy Seal, Canadian Director of Augsburg Fortress Publishers assumed interim management of the Anglican Book Centre’s Church House store this week, pending formal completion of a deal that should see Augsburg Fortress take over the store by early summer.

Church must be safe for gays, Williams says

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has said that the churches of the Anglican Communion must be safe places for gay and lesbian people. His comments come in a welcome to an interim report on the Anglican Communion’s Listening Process, a commitment to listen to the experience of homosexual people. Archbishop Williams warns that the challenge to create the safe space for their voices to be heard and for their dignity to be respected is based on a fundamental commitment of the Communion.