Life insurance trust announced

General Synod treasurer Peter Blachford has announced the establishment of the Letting Down the Nets Trust, funded by a gift of life insurance by eight staff members and financial development consultants. The trust will be administered by the Anglican Foundation on behalf of General Synod for future financial development and congregational development initiatives.

Report from Afghanistan

More than most Anglican priests, Lt. Col. the Rev. John Fletcher’s ministry is the world. As Command Chaplain (Army) of the Canadian Armed Forces, Mr. Fletcher follows Canadian troops and their chaplains wherever they are deployed.

Healthy parishes

Healthy parishes are the heartbeat of our church. We have a variety of parishes across Canada – large, small, urban, rural, thriving, struggling. Many are using creative ideas and programs, suited to their context, to build strong, vibrant communities of faith. This is good news that needs to be shared!

Church leaders call for release of housing funds

Prime Minister Stephen Harper should move immediately to release funds designated for affordable housing, according to the leaders of four Canadian churches – Archbishop Andrew Hutchison of the Anglican Church of Canada, Bishop Ray Schultz of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the Rev. Peter Short of the United Church of Canada and Henry Hess of the Christian Reformed Church of North America.

Archbishop of Canterbury to visit Rome

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is to visit Pope Benedict XVI in Rome later this year. The visit will mark the fortieth anniversary of the Archbishop Michael Ramsey’s meeting with Pope Paul VI in 1966 and the founding of the Anglican Centre in Rome in the same year.

Williams sets out thinking on Lambeth Conference 2008

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has written a pastoral letter to the 38 primates of the Anglican Communion setting out some thinking on the Lambeth Conference in 2008 and asking them to use Lent as a period of reflection about their own journeys and the challenges facing the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Giving up and adding up during Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the 40-day Lenten period.

During Lent it is traditional to give up or let go of something (or several things) that we like a lot and find pleasure in. We will ask and hear the familiar question: “What are you giving up for Lent?”

Second justice camp to focus on advocacy

Preparations are now underway for a second “justice camp” directed at youth and adults.

The camp, an ecumenical initiative, will be held at St. Paul’s University in Ottawa, May 8-14. The theme is advocacy — Seeking Justice Engaging the Powers.

Building blocks for community

Over the past few weeks I have been pondering on my time as a deployed chaplain to Camp Mirage (a support element of Task Force Kabul), while at the same time trying to catch-up with things Anglican — what a task! There are many images from my six months in the desert, some wonderful, some not so wonderful, but it was an experience I would not trade for the world.