Anglican Communion Ecumenical Director appointed

The Revd Canon John L. Peterson, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion announced today that the Revd Gregory Kenneth Cameron, during the last two and a half years Chaplain to Dr Rowan Williams when he was Archbishop of Wales, has been appointed the Director of Ecumenical Affairs and Studies in the Anglican Communion Office in … Continued

Ugandan priest infected, affected by AIDS

By Patricia L. Paddey, special to As people around the globe commemorate World AIDS Day on Sunday, Dec. 1, an Anglican priest in the east African nation of Uganda will be reflecting on his own personal journey with HIV/AIDS. Rev. Gideon Byamugisha, 43, was the first active priest on the African continent to disclose … Continued

Keewatin pledges support for schools settlement

The diocese of Keewatin, gathered here for its diocesan council meeting from Nov. 28-30, has become the first diocese in the Anglican Church of Canada to ratify the agreement reached by the church and the federal government limiting the church’s liability over Indian residential schools.

Canadian church endorses eco-justice statements

Ever since he became involved in eco-justice work more than a year ago, Rev. Ken Gray has been looking at his world differently. Now, current events and news headlines involving issues like Kyoto and wide-spread droughts take on fresh significance for him.

French liturgies available on Web

Seven years after getting the green light from General Synod to develop indigenous French-language liturgies, the committee which created the translations has toasted its efforts: the liturgies should soon reach a wider audience after they are printed next year by the Anglican Book Centre.

Carey’s remarks damage unity, says Ingham

Bishop Michael Ingham of the diocese of New Westminster has issued the following statement in response to the presidential address by George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury, who told the Anglican Consultative Council Sept. 16 that the Anglican Communion “is being steadily undermined by dioceses and individual bishops taking unilateral action … in matters to do with sexuality.” A link to Archbishop Carey’s statement appears below Bishop Ingham’s response.

'The Bell of Hope'

At this hour exactly one year ago, the part of lower Manhattan in which we are gathered was in the grip of a waking nightmare. The scale of the human tragedy of September the eleventh 2001 was not, could not, be clear. But the extent of the physical devastation in New York was certainly becoming evident, despite the choking pall of smoke and dust that obscured most things. By this time both of the twin towers – just a few hundred yards away – had collapsed, and in their place Ground Zero was coming eerily into existence.

Diocesan group sees new vision of conservatism

While eight dissident parishes in New Westminster continue to court and receive national and world media attention in their campaign for another bishop, some Anglicans who also consider themselves conservative and orthodox are waging a separate, quiet campaign for the established structures of the church.

New West rally draws 1,500

If any of the 1,500 people who turned up at a worship and rally for conservative Anglicans protesting the liberalization of their church expected any irregular episcopal consecration or offers of episcopal oversight, they went away disappointed.