Canadian, British and U.S. church leaders call on U.S. government to ‘stop the rush to war’

From the National Council of Churches News Service Thirty-seven Christian leaders from three Western nations, gathered in Geneva, Switzerland, for a meeting of the World Council of Churches Central Committee, have issued an urgent call to the American government to pull back from its unilateral movement toward pre-emptive military action against Iraq, and to seek … Continued

Primates, bishops, to visit New West dissidents

The guest list is firmly under wraps, but later this month Anglicans opposed to same-sex blessings in the diocese of New Westminster are preparing to welcome like-minded bishops and primates from across the Anglican Communion.

Conversation partners ‘agree to disagree’ on human sexuality

Those hoping for a final word — pro or con — on the Anglican view of homosexual behavior from the three-year-long International Anglican Conversations on Human Sexuality are going to have to wait. The final report, issued this month, indicates strengthened relationships between the participants, but no consensus on the morality of homosexuality.

Dispute gives rise to licensing, property questions

What began as a disagreement over theology, sexuality and its biblical interpretation may end up as a dispute on stacks of legal-sized paper as the diocese of New Westminster asks dissident clergy a second time whether they are “in” or “out.”

Oxford consultation blasts ‘serious breach of order’

A consultation on the Future of Anglicanism, meeting June 29-July 5 at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford, England, concluded with a declaration that blasted what it called “a serious breach of Anglican order” in recent decisions to bless same-gender relationships, action that has created “a widening circle of scandal and distress.”