A sneak preview of Vision 2019

After three years, input from more than 1,000 Canadian Anglicans, and hundreds of hours of prayer and consultation, the Vision 2019 strategic plan is ready for presentation to Anglican Church of Canada. In the latest post on the General Synod web forum, Dean Peter Elliott, chair of the Vision 2019 Task Force, shares some specifics from the plan, which will be presented in full at the church’s June 2010 national meeting, General Synod.

Canadian staff visits Haiti partners

“Come and see.” This was the invitation the Rev. Canon Dr. Ogé Beauvoir of Haiti extended to his partners in the Anglican Church of Canada after the Jan. 12 earthquake. Now Dr. Andrea Mann, General Synod’s global relations coordinator, has taken him up on this offer and is visiting the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti from March 23 to 30.

What are these Marks of Mission?

In the latest post on the General Synod web forum, retired Director of Partnerships Dr. Ellie Johnson introduces the Marks of Mission, five powerful statements that describe what the Anglican Church of Canada is called to do in the world. These marks will feature prominently at the next national meeting, General Synod, to be held June 3 to 11 in Halifax, N.S.

Communiqué from the dialogue of African and Canadian Bishops

For a little over a year, five Canadian and six African dioceses have engaged in diocese-to-diocese theological dialogue on matters relating to human sexuality and to mission. With one exception, each diocese has established a theological working group to prepare papers and responses which were shared with their partner diocese on the opposite continent (see below for list of participants). Ontario and Botswana exchanged documents related to sustainability in the context of mission. These dialogues have emerged from, and are a deepening of, relationships established during the Indaba and Bible Study processes at the Lambeth Conference of 2008.

Join the big conversation before the big meeting

General Synod, the national meeting of the Anglican Church of Canada, is a big deal. It happens only once every three years. Over 300 delegates attend. Major decisions are made about the future of the church. General Synod 2010 is set to happen in Halifax, N.S. from June 3 to 11, 2010, and already Canadian Anglicans are kicking off the conversations online.

For Lent, pray at your laptop

For Lent 2010, the Anglican Church of Canada is offering a simple online prayer space that will be updated throughout the season. The prayers are drawn from the Anglican Church of Canada’s own prayer books, as well as those from ecumenical and full communion partners. They are paired with striking landscapes from around the world.

Pray for unity with other Christians in 2010

Thousands of Christians—from Canadian Anglicans to Malaysian Pentecostals—will begin the new year by participating in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The 2010 week is slated for Jan. 18 to 25 and will focus on the theme “You are witnesses of these things” (Luke 24:48).

A ‘full communion’ Christmas greeting

Once again this year, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and National Bishop Susan Johnson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, come together to offer a reflection on the Christmas season and greetings to all Canadian Anglicans and Lutherans.

New Anglican Military Ordinariate website

A new website describes the work and ministry of the Anglican Military Ordinariate (AMO) in Canada and throughout the world. The ordinariate includes all Anglicans who serve in the Canadian Forces, including regular and reserve forces in the air, maritime, or land force commands.