New book bursting with bishops

The fourth volume of The Anglican Episcopate in Canada is packed with details on 105 bishops consecrated in Canada between 1976 and 2008. Written by former primate Archbishop Michael Peers, each bishop’s entry provides details on education, service, ordinations, and elections and is accompanied by a photo.

Anglican and Lutheran leaders meet in Toronto

On March 17 and 18, senior management from the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) met at Church House in Toronto, to discuss cooperation between their churches. Since 2001, the two churches have been in a full communion relationship, which means that confirmations are mutually recognized and clergy can serve at a church of the other denomination.

Resources to act for Zimbabwe and Gaza

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has urged all Anglicans to act for peace in Zimbabwe and Gaza. In his reflection on the recent Primates’ Meeting (held Feb. 1 to 5 in Alexandria, Egypt), he highlighted the primates’ call to observe Feb. 25, Ash Wednesday, as a day of prayer for Zimbabwe. He also highlighted their call for all governments to pursue a lasting ceasefire in Gaza.

Amazing Grace donations total over $73,000

Canadian Anglicans have donated a whopping $73,000 to the Council of the North through the Amazing Grace Project. The project encouraged all to sing “Amazing Grace” on Nov. 23 and send in their filmed rendition to the national office, where they were included in a ten-minute compilation video. Each “Amazing Grace” singer was also encouraged to donate a toonie to support ministry in Canada’s northernmost dioceses.

Day of prayer for Zimbabwe Jan. 25

On Sunday, Jan. 25, Canadian Anglicans are encouraged to pray for peace in Zimbabwe. Under an increasingly unstable government, the country is suffering from a cholera epidemic, crumbling infrastructure, and rising inflation, which has made it difficult for people to buy basic necessities. An estimated 5 million Zimbabweans are in need of food and 80% are unemployed.

Amazing Grace documentary released

The long-awaited Amazing Grace compilation video is released today as a gift to the Anglican Church of Canada. Called Amazing Together, the 10-minute documentary includes video clips from hundreds of congregations that sang “Amazing Grace” on Nov. 23 and submitted their renditions to the national office before Dec. 1.