New Anglican-Lutheran prayer cycle

A new Anglican-Lutheran prayer cycle (PDF) lists prayer suggestions for the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) side by side. The suggestions cover the work of bishops, ministries, and staff and are for use in Sunday services between Nov. 2008 and Nov. 2009. The prayer cycle was developed by the Joint Anglican-Lutheran Commission, which oversees this relationship in Canada.

Photos available from Canadian-led Lambeth Eucharist

On July 29, members of the Anglican Church of Canada led the morning Eucharist for the Lambeth Conference, the gathering of all Anglican bishops in Canterbury, England. Throughout the conference, which runs from July 16 to Aug. 3, different regions have taken turns leading the 7:15 a.m. communion service.

Lynne Samways Hiltz chimes in on "Amazing Grace"

On a sunny summer day, Lynne Samways Hiltz, wife of Archbishop Fred Hiltz, the Primate, ventured out to the Scarborough Bluffs alongside Lake Ontario. With the help of Anglican Video staff, she recorded her own contributions to the Amazing Grace Project, where all Canadian Anglicans are invited to sing “Amazing Grace,” on or before Nov. 23, 2008. The purpose of the project is to celebrate our identity as Canadian Anglicans and also to raise funds for the Council of the North. Learn more here.

How Canadians can keep up with Lambeth

Where to go for a Canadian take on the Lambeth Conference? The Anglican Church of Canada has organized a hub on its website where you can go to stay informed about the once-a-decade meeting of all Anglican bishops, which will run in Canterbury, England, from July 16 to Aug. 3.

Primate calls for prayer June 8

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, asks that on Sunday, June 8, Canadians pray for Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s apology to residential school survivors. The apology is scheduled for June 11 in the House of Commons, and Archbishop Hiltz plans to attend, along with the Ven. Sidney Black and the Rev. Gloria Moses, co-chairs of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples.