St. Basil scholarship grows, seeks applications

Bishop Henry Hill was a man passionate about dialogue between Anglican and Orthodox churches. So passionate, in fact, that the former Diocese of Ontario bishop not only served as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s representative in related dialogues, but in 1991 he set up the St. Basil Scholarship so scholars from Canadian Anglican and Oriental Orthodox churches could travel overseas to learn more about each other’s faith.

Pension Office to move Jan. 24

On Jan. 24, the Pension Office Corp. of the Anglican Church of Canada will move from the national office at 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, to a new site one block away. Originally the move was scheduled for Nov. 1, 2008.

Donor complaint reveals telephone scam

At least two donors to The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund have reported a telemarketing scam soliciting donations on behalf of the “Primate’s Fund” or some related name. The donors are from Eastern Ontario and from Newfoundland.

Read the latest ideas on liturgy in Open

Amy McCreath has organized a “blessings of the backpacks” at the university where she works as chaplain. At the beginning of the school term, students present their tools of learning on the altar steps: their iBooks, their test tubes, and their backpacks full of books. “We gather around it,” she writes, “and each offer our ‘one great hope’ for the year ahead, all raise a hand in blessing and pray together that these tools may help us do work that is part of the work of God.”

Noah kicks off United Way campaign

Two pirates, a clown, and Indira Gandhi were among those present at the United Way fundraising kick-off, held Oct. 31 at the Anglican Church of Canada’s national office. Costumed staff enjoyed cake and punch in the Halloween-decorated lobby, then watched in amazement as the Management Team arrived in Bible-times robes and headgear. They were Noah and family: Shem, Ham, Japheth and wives. Addressing the amused audience, Noah (Archbishop Fred Hiltz) spoke a few words on “building Noah’s ark,” the theme of this year’s fundraiser.