Celebrate Medicare Week coming soon

The Ecumenical Health Care Network of the Canadian Council of Churches invites every congregation and community across the country to join in a time of celebration and renewal of Canada’s commitment to ensuring the preservation and strengthening of its universal public health care system, better known as Medicare. To this end, we have named the week of November 18th “Celebrate Medicare Week.”

Photos of Primate now available

Six official photos of the new Anglican Primate, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, are now available for download. These formal portrait shots show Archbishop Hiltz in different vestments, and can be displayed in churches, posted on diocesan websites, or used in the media.

International Day of Prayer for Peace

On September 21, faith communities across the world participate in the International Day of Prayer for Peace. The World Council of Churches (WCC) encourages its partners to pause for prayer today or remember the event in services on Sunday, September 23.

Do you know Yukon’s history?

The diocese of Yukon wants your help in a major research project to complete parish and clergy lists. They are looking for dates, documents, and photographs of churches and their leaders (including theological students and organists), dating back to 1861, when missionaries first arrived. Read a detailed description of the project here.

New book full of "bones"

A new book by the Rev. Canon Dr. Kim Murray is full of “bones.” This is his metaphor for the seventeen texts in From a Long Perspective: the Foundational Documents, Ecumenical Covenants, and Other Significant Agreements of the Anglican Church of Canada. In 160 pages, Canon Murray provides texts and commentary for old familiar “bones” (the Nicene Creed) as well as those lesser known (the Bonn Agreement of 1931).

Nomination call: Commissioners for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, created as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, is seeking nominations for commissioners. One chairperson and two commissioners will oversee the commission, a job that includes visiting communities and ensuring that the terms of the settlement agreement are carried out. The commission encourages “persons of recognized integrity, stature, and respect” to apply before the nomination deadline, August 14. Details of the nomination process are available here.