Feedback received as part of sexuality discernment process

On Tuesday, June 8, members of General Synod 2010 received a summary of the feedback generated in discernment groups they attended the previous day. The groups, made up of approximately 19 members, met following a “faithful reporting” presentation on June 6 by representatives from committees and commissions regarding their discussions, actions and statements on this topic that has taken place since General Synod 2007.

An invitation to prayer on June 13, 2010

The first national consultation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada will take place at The Forks in Winnipeg, Man., from June 16 to 19, 2010. Church members across Canada are asked to set aside Sunday, June 13, 2010, to pray for the TRC and its work. New liturgical resources are now available for download.

TRC update covers academic conference, PWRDF work

This fourth instalment in a new series of updates covers the Anglican Church of Canada’s ongoing journey towards healing and reconciliation with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. Prepared by Archdeacon Jim Boyles, these occasional updates focus on the church’s work during the term of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on residential schools.

My Role in the CFDS

My Role in the CFDS features military and civilian personnel and occupations throughout the Defence Team. Featured profiles use real-life stories to illustrate the dedication, excellence and professionalism of personnel and employees in their day-to-day jobs under the purview of the Canada First Defence Strategy (CFDS). As appeared in “The Maple Leaf”, 26 May 2010, … Continued

A missional Primate?

What is the Primate’s role in the Anglican Church of Canada? Over the past three years, the Primatial Role Task Force explored this question through historical research and consultation with active Anglicans. In the latest General Synod web forum post, task force member Norah Bolton explains what they learned about the Primate’s role and mission.

TRC update covers healing fund, KAIROS, more

This third instalment in a new series of updates covers the Anglican Church of Canada’s ongoing journey towards healing and reconciliation with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. Prepared by Archdeacon Jim Boyles, these occasional updates focus on the church’s work during the term of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on residential schools.

Update on national TRC event, day of prayer, more

This second instalment in a new series of updates covers the Anglican Church of Canada’s ongoing journey towards healing and reconciliation with Aboriginals and non-Aboriginal peoples. Prepared by Archdeacon Jim Boyles, these occasional updates focus on the church’s work during the term of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on residential schools.

Follow updates on Anglican reconciliation work

A new series of updates will share the Anglican Church of Canada’s ongoing journey towards healing and reconciliation between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginal peoples. Prepared by Archdeacon Jim Boyles, these occasional updates will focus on the church’s work during the term of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on residential schools.

L’aumônerie militaire expose sa dynamique au clergé

Des membres du clergé de l’Église anglicane régionale apprennent le travail des aumôniers sur le terrain Par le Capt Jeff Noel « Ce fut une expérience enrichissante et qui m’a ouvert les yeux », affirme le révérend chanoine Brett Cane, recteur de l’Église anglicane de St. Aiden’s, à Winnipeg. « Je ne connaissais pas du tout le travail des aumôniers militaires ni … Continued