Easter Sunday service a click away

St. James’s Cathedral will become the first Anglican church in Canada to provide a live web cast of its Easter Sunday service on April 16th, starting at 10:45 a.m. Eastern Time.

The service will be shown on www.toronto.anglican.ca.

Youth program expands

Ask & Imagine, a national leadership program for youth and young adults, will soon be in its 8th year.

Participants in the 10-day programs have come from 19 dioceses and applications his year indicate that that number will probably rise to 22, or more than 2/3 of the dioceses in Canada.

Demolition of old Church House begins

The long-anticipated demolition of 600 Jarvis Street began yesterday and is expected to take a couple of weeks. For many years until a move 18 months ago to 80 Hayden Street, a stone’s throw away, 600 Jarvis Street was the home of General Synod Staff.

Porto Alegre diaries now on-line

To get a feel of what it is like to be among 3,000 people at the World Council of Churches’ 9th Assembly in Porto Alegre, Brazil (Feb 14- 23), assembly participants from the Anglican Church of Canada are sharing experiences, stories and reflections on issues, events, places of interest and the different people they meet on ‘Porto Alegre Diaries’.

New members appointed to FMD committee

Dean Peter Elliott, Prolocutor of General Synod, is pleased to announce the appointment of The Very Reverend Michael W. Hawkins, Dean of Saskatchewan and Rector of St. Alban’s Cathedral, Prince Albert, and Mr. Arran Thorpe of Dartmouth, a theological student of the Diocese of Nova Scotia & P.E.I., as members of the national Financial Management and Development Committee, effective immediately.

Web writer moves to PWRDF

The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is pleased to announce the completion of a successful search for a Communications Coordinator. Diana Mavunduse will fill this important position in PWRDF starting March 6, 2006.

Dates for 2008 Lambeth Conference announced

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has officially announced the Lambeth Conference dates in an Advent Letter to the 38 primates around the world. Archbishop Williams, at whose invitation the bishops come to the conference, outlined his hopes for this global meeting of Anglican bishops. He spoke of the conference as an opportunity for “individual Christian pastors to meet Jesus afresh, for our church to be renewed in mission, for the world to hear good news.”

Church called to prayer for residential schools negotiations

The Council of General Synod, meeting in Mississauga, Ont., has unanimously passed the following motion: “That this Council of General Synod … call the church to prayer on behalf of all those involved in the negotiations between the Hon. Frank Iacobucci, legal counsel for former students, the Assembly of First Nations and legal counsel for other involved church entities, that these negotiations will result in a fair and lasting resolution of the legacy of Indian Residential Schools in Canada.”