A ‘full communion’ Christmas greeting

Once again this year, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and National Bishop Susan Johnson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, come together to offer a reflection on the Christmas season and greetings to all Canadian Anglicans and Lutherans.

New Anglican Military Ordinariate website

A new website describes the work and ministry of the Anglican Military Ordinariate (AMO) in Canada and throughout the world. The ordinariate includes all Anglicans who serve in the Canadian Forces, including regular and reserve forces in the air, maritime, or land force commands.

2009 Advent calendar now online

As a special gift this season, anglican.ca features an online Advent calendar. On each day of Advent a new image and short reflection will be posted about the ministry that Canadian Anglicans are engaged in-both at home and overseas. Expect to be encouraged and challenged by what God is doing through this beloved church, from the Arctic to Tanzania.

Desert Experiences

by Padre Canon Baxter Park I must confess as I look around this Anglican Church of Canada, an institution that I love, I sometimes find myself feeling pretty morose about the future.  I may be wrong but the church gives the impression its downsizing. Staff layoffs at our national office and once healthy and viable … Continued

Commentary on General Synod’s 2010 budget

The following document was prepared by General Synod Treasurer Michèle George to assist members of the Council of General Synod (COGS) when they considered a draft budget for 2010 at the council’s fall meeting. The document provides some context and describes the process involved in developing the 2010 budget. It explains some of the implications of the decisions contained in the budget and looks as some possible strategies for working on the 2011 budget as well.

A Word from our Bishop-elect

One Week Later… One week later the reality of the election is just starting to settle in. It has been some time that the possibility of being elected was present but the actuality is of a different order. That I will soon be releasing from the CAF in order to undertake these new responsibilities is … Continued

Report-back to the Church from the House of Bishops, November 2009

The fall meeting of the House of Bishops was held Nov. 2 to 6 at Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls, Ont., where we were joined by the Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). We were also joined by two Pastoral Visitors—Bishop Colin Bennetts, retired bishop of Coventry and Bishop Chad Gandiya of Harare. The Pastoral Visitors are partners from the Anglican Communion appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury to observe our proceedings and to report their observations to him as well as to offer reflections to us. We were enriched by their presence. We also always value the presence, experiences and contributions of our full communion Lutheran partners at our once-a-year joint meetings.

Aboriginal priest finds her calling as a military chaplain

Rev. Capt. Catherine Askew distinctly remembers the moment when she knew she wanted to be a military chaplain to the Canadian Forces. She was 17 years old and an undergraduate student at university. She had been thinking that a job as an administration clerk would give her a useful skill and some pocket money. Then she met a military chaplain who introduced her to the work of the chaplains’ corps.

Email woes at Church House

General Synod offices in Toronto have been experiencing email problems since late last week which might have delayed reception of emails sent to employees and departments. The sources of the problems were multiple and complex—in the words of IT manager Mariana Bell “a perfect storm.” We are hopeful that these email issues have now been resolved, although there will be another shorter outage on the weekend to put the finishing touches on the fixes.

We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences.