New liturgy planning resource available free online

How many Eucharists have you participated in? How many have you put together?

For those seeking to keep their planning fresh and thoughtful, the Rev. Dr. Paul Gibson offers Make Preparation, a rich collection of notes on liturgy preparation, available by free download from ABC Publishing.

Advocacy for Christians in Pakistan: An online petition

Having listened to the concerns of Christian partners and correspondents in Pakistan, NIFCON (the Network of Inter Faith Concerns for the Anglican Communion) is one of the main sponsors of a petition being drawn up asking the government of Pakistan to repeal the law against blasphemy. In recent years the threat of this law has often been often been used in unjust attacks upon the country’s vulnerable Christian minority, and it seems to have played a part in the recent incident in Gojra which led to the death of a number of Christians.

New essays on the blessing of same-sex unions

Twelve of Canada’s finest theologians explore issues relating to same-sex blessings in a series of essays now posted online. These essays by members of the Primate’s Theological Commission form the third and final part to the Galilee Report, which considered questions of human relationships and the blessings of same-sex unions.

New book bursting with bishops

The fourth volume of The Anglican Episcopate in Canada is packed with details on 105 bishops consecrated in Canada between 1976 and 2008. Written by former primate Archbishop Michael Peers, each bishop’s entry provides details on education, service, ordinations, and elections and is accompanied by a photo.

Anglican and Lutheran leaders meet in Toronto

On March 17 and 18, senior management from the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) met at Church House in Toronto, to discuss cooperation between their churches. Since 2001, the two churches have been in a full communion relationship, which means that confirmations are mutually recognized and clergy can serve at a church of the other denomination.

Resources to act for Zimbabwe and Gaza

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has urged all Anglicans to act for peace in Zimbabwe and Gaza. In his reflection on the recent Primates’ Meeting (held Feb. 1 to 5 in Alexandria, Egypt), he highlighted the primates’ call to observe Feb. 25, Ash Wednesday, as a day of prayer for Zimbabwe. He also highlighted their call for all governments to pursue a lasting ceasefire in Gaza.