Anglican Foundation annual meeting: May 31 in Montreal

The Anglican Foundation will hold its annual meeting May 31, 2002, at Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal. Everyone is invited to the meeting to learn more about the Foundation. The meeting begins with eucharist at 6 p.m., followed by a reception and dinner at 7:30 p.m. There is no charge to attend the meeting and dinner.

Alpha training events through to fall

The Canadian branch of Alpha, a 10-week course intended to explore the validity and relevance of the Christian faith, has scheduled a number of events through the spring, summer and fall to train new leaders and to encourage existing teams in running the program.

Lutheran Life board announces first Anglican director

Rev. Mervyn R. Mercer of Etobicoke, Ont. has been appointed as the newest member of the board of directors of Waterloo-based Lutheran Life Insurance Society of Canada. Dr. Mercer is assistant principal at Toronto’s Wycliffe College. He also serves as assistant professor of Anglican Formation at Wycliffe, and directs its “Profiles in Ministry” Vocational Assessment Program.

The Rev'd Canon Shirley Arthur Ralph Wood, B.A., D.D.

Even in his 93rd year he continued to enjoy singing in the choir, doing the daily cryptic crossword puzzle in the Globe, curling, picking strawberries and making jam, cutting the family lawns, making sandwiches at the Salvation Army for those in need, and cheering (always faithful!) for the Toronto Maple Leafs (to whom he often yelled ‘Shoot!’ or ‘Skate!’) Unfortunately, a brief illness with pancreatic cancer finally ended the life of this admirable man.

Statement of Anglican primates on the Middle East

We, the Primates of the Anglican Communion representing 75,000,000 Anglican Christians in 164 countries of the world, gathered in Canterbury, have taken counsel following a message concerning the escalating conflict in Israel/Palestine which we received from the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem the Right Reverend Riah H Abu El-Assal. This was delivered to us by the President Bishop of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, the Most Reverend Iraj Mottahedeh.

Canon Eugene Fairweather

During that same period he wrote three books which have become standards: A Scholastic Miscellany: Anselm to Ockham (1956), The Meaning and Message of Lent (1962), and The Oxford Movement (1964).

Israel and Palestine: Message to Canadian Anglicans

Over the past ten days, suicide bombings in Israel and armoured invasions in the Occupied Territories have galvanized the attention of people around the world. For some the impact has been limited to rising prices at the gas pumps. For others these events have built to a crescendo of anxious perplexity, as they try to find some sense in the tidal wave of images, assertions, and interpretations that flood the airwaves and fill the newspapers. Some see Israel as a nation under domestic threat from terrorists. Others see the Palestinians as a people under threat from the terror of the state of Israel. In the midst of the confusion, fear, and violence that threaten to explode onto the world stage, I invite members of the Anglican Church of Canada to take seriously the biblical call to peace with justice.

Primate writes letter to editor on Middle East situation

Last spring, I had the opportunity, with a group of other Canadian church leaders, to experience first-hand the life of the Christian churches – our partners – in Palestine. We were deeply moved by the compassion and courage by which those churches live and serve. At the same time, we were horrified by the state of constant fear imposed on the Palestinian people by the armed forces of Israel. What we witnessed was a blatant double standard. The security and well-being of Israeli settlers mattered; that of the Palestinians did not.

PWRDF responds to conflict in Middle East

The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund has responded to an appeal from Action by Churches Together for emergency assistance to civilian victims of conflict in the Palestinian Territories. Through this appeal, the Middle East Council of Churches Department of Service to Palestine Refugees (MECC/DSPR) will continue to provide essential food and elementary commodities to families that have no access to employment or other sources of income. It will ease the burden on families that have to cope with poverty, unemployment and long closures.

Easter Thursday message from the Bishop of Jerusalem

We are still in Easter Week and events are moving rather quickly with more tragedies and more killings and suffering. These are times of great suffering for the Palestinian people, and for the Church in Palestine. All of our Palestinian cities are now occupied by Israel and the people are prevented from leaving their houses.