PWRDF names refugee advocate as first president

The incorporated Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund has named an advocate for refugees as first president of its board of directors. Janet Dench, head of the Canadian Council for Refugees, is a former member of the primate’s fund committee, when PWRDF was still a department of Anglican Church of Canada. She is now faced with the challenge of heading the board of directors of a not-for-profit corporation.

BAS-CLEF Canadian French liturgies approved

While most attention at General Synod 2001 was focused on healing and reconciliation between native and non-native Anglicans, a set of documents important to another part of the church was quietly approved. These documents, the culmination of many years of work, are a set of liturgies for use in French language settings.

Solomon Islands: News Year’s greeting

Warm New Years greetings. I write from Florida where I have had a pleasant Christmas with my parents (both going strong at 82), my sister and nieces. I?ll be here another week before going on to Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Sydney and Brisbane, with side trips to Fredericton, Boston and, perhaps, elsewhere. I?ll arrive back in Auki on February 10th.

From ‘ethnic tension’ to ethnic war: Focus on the Solomon Islands

When I left the Solomon Islands more than two weeks ago, rumours were rife that the government was going to bring in Cuban troops to restore order to this troubled island. It was, in anything, a measure of desperation. On the other hand, two different sets of peace accords had just been signed, laying out a process to quell the ethnic-based disquiet that has claimed more than 60 lives in the past 18 months.