Do you know Yukon’s history?

The diocese of Yukon wants your help in a major research project to complete parish and clergy lists. They are looking for dates, documents, and photographs of churches and their leaders (including theological students and organists), dating back to 1861, when missionaries first arrived. Read a detailed description of the project here.

New book full of "bones"

A new book by the Rev. Canon Dr. Kim Murray is full of “bones.” This is his metaphor for the seventeen texts in From a Long Perspective: the Foundational Documents, Ecumenical Covenants, and Other Significant Agreements of the Anglican Church of Canada. In 160 pages, Canon Murray provides texts and commentary for old familiar “bones” (the Nicene Creed) as well as those lesser known (the Bonn Agreement of 1931).

Nomination call: Commissioners for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, created as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, is seeking nominations for commissioners. One chairperson and two commissioners will oversee the commission, a job that includes visiting communities and ensuring that the terms of the settlement agreement are carried out. The commission encourages “persons of recognized integrity, stature, and respect” to apply before the nomination deadline, August 14. Details of the nomination process are available here.

Betty Livingston dies

t is with deep regret and profound sadness that we share the news of the death of Mrs. Betty Livingston on Wednesday June 6th in London. Betty took ill at a dinner following a meeting of General Synod delegates and later died in London hospital.

Convening Circular now online

The Convening Circular for the 38th General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, being held in Winnipeg from June 19-25, 2007 is now online. The Convening Circular contains a draft agenda, information documents, reports, resolutions, and memorials to General Synod. Paper versions of the Convening Circular have been mailed to all delegates.

Primatial candidate profiles now online

Profiles for the four candidates nominated for the office of Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada are now posted online at The House of Bishops at its spring meeting in Niagara Falls chose the candidates, with the election be held at General Synod in Winnipeg on June 22nd, 2007.

Church House closed Jan. 10

Please note that Church House, including the Anglican Book Centre bookstore, will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 10 so that repairs can be made to the building’s electrical systems. Email servers will not be functioning that day. We expect to return to normal by Thursday morning and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.