Leslie Peterson

He served parishes in several Ontario towns, including Elliot Lake, North Bay and Parry Sound. He was elected coadjutor bishop in Algoma in 1983 and served as diocesan bishop until his retirement in 1994.

Celia Hannant

A skilled adult educator with experience in the design and delivery of programs for adult learners, Ms. Hannant “saw the church beyond the church,” said Mr. Gibson. “I don’t think she was happy with the institution, but she was still committed to what it was about.”

Bishop of Toronto welcomes youth day participants

The Anglican Archbishop of Toronto, The Most Reverend Terence Finlay, welcomes the youth of the world gathering in Toronto to celebrate and renew their faith. While the focus of World Youth Day is primarily directed to Roman Catholics, the Archbishop notes that the three themes, You are the Salt of the Earth, You are the Light of the World, and Be Reconciled to God, are the call of Christ to all Christians.

Bishop of Toronto responds to murder

The Most Reverend Terence Finlay, Anglican Archbishop of Toronto, expressed his shock and horror at the tragic murder last night of David Rosenzweig. The unprovoked attack on the distinctively dressed Hasidic Jew, who was helping his son whose car broke down, has been labeled as a hate crime.

Statement by Bishop of Keewatin re Decision by Synod of New Westminster to authorize liturgy for blessing of same-sex unions.

With the Archdeacons’ Council of the Diocese of Keewatin, I as the ninth Bishop of Keewatin, issue the following statement. Greetings in the Name of the Risen Christ! To the Anglican Communion in General and the Anglican Church of Canada in Particular The primary operating principle of the Diocese of Keewatin is that we are … Continued

Bishop William Robinson

Prior to his election, he had been a member of the joint hymnal committee of the Anglican and United churches, which ultimately released together in 1971 The Hymn Book of the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada, also known simply as “the red book.”

Bishop David Ragg

The funeral service is scheduled for Thursday, July 4 at St. Luke’s church, Cedar Hill, Victoria at 2 p.m., Pacific time. A memorial service will be held the same day at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, Ont., with Bishop Bruce Howe presiding.

Anglican Video’s Great Pilgrimages to air on Vision

Since the beginning of recorded time, humankind has embarked on great pilgrimages — compelling journeys in search of spiritual renewal, sacred places, peace, healing and deeper meaning. Inspirational pilgrimages have taken place throughout the world and have led people to healing waters, remote islands, holy sites, and places of war and suffering, yet great love.