An update on Assembly 2022
“Planning for Assembly 2022 has continued through this time on various aspects of theme, agenda, worship and more. The difficult and uncertain piece in all of this is whether our gathering should be held in-person.”
“Planning for Assembly 2022 has continued through this time on various aspects of theme, agenda, worship and more. The difficult and uncertain piece in all of this is whether our gathering should be held in-person.”
We join our voices together to endorse the annual United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week (February 1–7) and to encourage you to observe this week in ways that are meaningful for your local context. Our churches are committed to pursuing friendship, peace, and common cause with our neighbours of diverse spiritual and religious beliefs.
When planning for Assembly 2022 began two years ago, it was with an eager desire to gather in Calgary to celebrate 20 years of full communion, and deepen and grow the relationship between our two churches. Since then, we have been deeply impacted by the COVID pandemic. We have seen restrictions tighten and then loosen, only to be tightened again (and again!). Through all this uncertainty, we remain a people of hope, addressing these challenges with creativity and faithfulness.
As a church, we mourn the passing of a dear colleague and friend, the Rev. Dr. Paul Gibson, who died January 14, 2022, after a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease.
Shortly before its first in-person meeting since the start of the pandemic, held Oct. 4-6 at a hotel near Toronto’s Pearson Airport, the Council of the North was given an early Christmas present.
Despite its pristine location in Saskatchewan’s boreal forest on the edge of the Canadian Shield, the town of La Ronge, Sask. (population: ca 5,700) has had its share of pain—experiencing, since 2015, a suicide crisis and evacuation for wildfires.
The Northwest Territories saw an explosion of COVID-19 cases this fall. By Oct. 7, health authorities reported the territory had the highest infection rate per capita in Canada, with an average of 50 new cases per day—a reminder that the pandemic is far from over and reaching into the farthest corners of the north.
After a successful online national service of Lessons & Carols in 2020, General Synod is working again with Anglican churches across Canada to offer another national service of Lessons and Carols for this Advent season, to help us prepare for the coming of the Kingdom of God.
On the nomination of the Primate, the Council of General Synod has confirmed the appointment of Ms. Amal Attia B.Com., M.B.A., CPA, CISA as the next Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the General Synod.
Delegates to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s National Convention and the Anglican Church of Canada’s General Synod will gather together next July, for Assembly 2022.
There are no words to describe what we feel in our hearts, as we face, once again, the fear and pain of all that has happened. We are not surprised by the discovery of the children’s remains, but the strength of our feelings now has become overwhelming. We are reliving childhood feelings of helplessness, made … Continued
From Churches Beyond Borders: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Anglican Church of Canada, The Episcopal Church, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Do you have a background in the life sciences, training in theology, and enjoy exploring the relationship between the two, and the questions that each field asks of the other?
Bishop John Watton in the Anglican Diocese of Central Newfoundland shares one of many stories linked to the events around September 11, 2001.
On July 13, 2021, a coalition of concerned Canadian churches and organizations (including the Anglican Church of Canada) wrote Foreign Affairs minister the Hon. Marc Garneau, about the escalating violence and human rights violations in the Philippines and the seeming lack of response by the Canadian government.