The Primate and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Canada, The Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, would like to announce the constitution of a Search Committee, whose mandate is to fill the soon to be vacated role of General Secretary for the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. Composed of representatives from across the … Continued
Freedom Sunday, held on February 23 this year, is the closest Sunday to this national observance and offers churches a direct opportunity to pray, worship and take action in addressing the crime of human trafficking.
For more than 25 years, the Anglican Healing Fund has financially supported local, community-led healing projects. Apply to the next round of grants today.
At the recent Electoral Assembly for the Territory of the People, the Ven. Lincoln Mckoen was elected as the first Bishop of the Territory of the People.
Newly released statistics about membership in the Anglican Church of Canada—like that of other national religious organizations—confirm that the church has experienced continuous decline in its membership base since the early 1960s in spite of strategies for growth and engagement.
The 2020 Canadian Church Calendar is now available for purchase. The images represent a diversity of churches from across Canada, and verses and images feature the theme, “Light and Darkness.”
We the Indigenous Elders of General Synod 2019, humbly receive the Apology for Spiritual Harm containing the Church’s commitments for spiritual healing.
As Prolocutor and Deputy Prolocutor we address this Synod. On behalf of the orders of laity and clergy, we express our appreciation to the order of bishops for their message to us.
We, members of the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada, see the pain and anguish inflicted on LGBTQ2S+ people, on members of the General Synod, across the Church, and in the world, as a result of the work and the vote on the matter of Canon 21, concerning marriage. We see your … Continued
“An Apology for Spiritual Harm” offered by the Primate on behalf of the Anglican Church of Canada For a number of years, since the Indigenous Covenant of 1994, there has been a call for an apology for spiritual abuse endured by Indigenous Peoples through the era of colonial expansion across the Land, and particularly through … Continued
As sisters and brothers in the Lutheran and Anglican/Episcopal traditions, and in the spirit of full communion between our respective Churches in Canada and the United States, we the Primatial/National/Presiding Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and The Episcopal Church are happy … Continued
General Synod 2019 will bring three important issues before the Church: The proposed revision of the marriage canon; a primatial election; and indigenous self-determination, in addition to other areas of our common life together. We know that the consideration of same-sex marriage has been painful and caused deep concern across our Church. Although we are … Continued