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“An Apology for Spiritual Harm”

“An Apology for Spiritual Harm” offered by the Primate on behalf of the Anglican Church of Canada For a number of years, since the Indigenous Covenant of 1994, there has been a call for an apology for spiritual abuse endured by Indigenous Peoples through the era of colonial expansion across the Land, and particularly through … Continued

Church Leaders Pledge Solidarity in Prayer and Action

As sisters and brothers in the Lutheran and Anglican/Episcopal traditions, and in the spirit of full communion between our respective Churches in Canada and the United States, we the Primatial/National/Presiding Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and The Episcopal Church are happy … Continued

A CALL TO PRAYER from the House of Bishops

General Synod 2019 will bring three important issues before the Church:  The proposed revision of the marriage canon; a primatial election; and indigenous self-determination, in addition to other areas of our common life together. We know that the consideration of same-sex marriage has been painful and caused deep concern across our Church. Although we are … Continued