Easter message from the Primate

“Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen; Tell it with a joyful voice”

Having made our journey through Holy Week, commemorating the events of the Lord’s passion, death and burial we come now to Easter and the joy of His Glorious Resurrection.

Primate asks prayers for Chile

I ask you to join me in prayer today for the people of Chile and two of its principal cities—Concepción and Santiago—where a devastating earthquake struck early Saturday morning. There is surely loss of life, though we don’t yet have details on that, and, as with the disaster in Haiti only six weeks ago, there is no doubt that a great many people will be homeless and have their lives disrupted.

A statement from the Primate on the disaster in Haiti

Haiti has been devastated by a terrible earthquake. Thousands are feared to have died and many more injured. The people in Haiti have suffered so much in the past 10 years. Hurricane Jeanne ripped through the island in 2004 and in 2008 tropical storms took a huge toll. Now a new disaster. Through the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, our church has made an initial donation of $15,000 for emergency relief through Action by Churches Together (ACT).

Christmas reflection and blessing from the Primate

In her book, “Awaiting The Child: An Advent Journal,” Isabel Anders writes on Christmas Eve, “The ordered sequence of the weeks has brought us to the bedside of this babe, to the declaration that this child is indeed the Christ Child, the one toward whom all our waiting and expectations has been directed.” In the same reflection, she reminds us that beyond the festival of Christmas is the season of Epiphany—“a further revealing of Christ, his purposes for us and for the world.”

A ‘full communion’ Christmas greeting

Once again this year, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and National Bishop Susan Johnson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, come together to offer a reflection on the Christmas season and greetings to all Canadian Anglicans and Lutherans.

A statement from the Primate on World AIDS Day 2009

An interview with the Rev. Patricia Sawo, a church leader and mother living with HIV in Kenya inspired Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to entitle his World Aids Day Message A Space for Hope. Patricia says of her church “My congregation knows about my status and people in my church know that this is a place where, if they come with HIV, they can be loved.” The Archbishop says “when the Church is doing its job, it is providing space for people to face themselves, to be themselves, and to cope with the future.”

Primate preaches at Jerusalem cathedral

What follow is the text of a sermon preached by Archbishop Fred Hiltz, the Primate, at St. George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem on Aug. 23. Archbishop Hiltz is on a week-long visit to the Holy Land, accompanied by Andrea Mann, coordinator of global relations with the Partnerships department of General Synod.

Primate encourages Lutherans to imagine bold step together

“What bold step can our churches take together?” Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) asked delegates at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s (ELCIC) National Convention to consider during an evening Bible study on June 25. The Bible study is the first of three Bible studies taking place throughout the convention, which is being held June 25 to 28 in Vancouver, B.C.

Primate writes Prime Minister on Sri Lanka

What follows is the text of a letter by Archbishop Fred Hiltz, the Anglican Primate, to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

In the letter, the Primate, writing on behalf of the House of Bishops, urges the government to “assume leadership roles in international efforts to guarantee and protect the civil liberties of Sri Lankans at this critical time.”

A statement by the Primate on the anniversary of the Prime Minister’s apology for Indian Residential Schools

A year ago today, the Prime Minister of Canada rose in the House of Commons to make a apology on behalf of all Canadians to the survivors of Indian Residential Schools. He acknowledged that the policy of assimilation of Aboriginal Peoples was wrong and expressed remorse for the many abuses suffered by those who attended the residential schools. “There is,” he said, “no place in Canada for the attitudes that inspired the Indian Residential Schools system to ever again prevail.”

A reflection by our Primate

Having participated in the recent meeting of the Primates in Alexandria, Egypt, I am now in Cairo and on route to Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund meetings in Kenya and then to Burundi for visits to HIV/AIDS and youth clinics supported by PWRDF and a preaching engagement in the Cathedral in Bujumbura next Sunday.

Primate speaks out against Gaza City bombing

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has issued a joint statement with the Rev. David Giuliano, Moderator of the United Church of Canada, calling for an independent investigation into the Israeli bombing of the Shaja’ih Family Healthcare Centre in Gaza City on Jan. 10, 2009. The full text of the letter is below, or view it as a PDF.