+ Andrew: Conversations with the Primate :Anglican primate’s webcast launched tomorrow

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, becomes the first Canadian national church leader to engage members of the church and the public in conversation through the internet tomorrow. The first of regular segments entitled +Andrew: Conversations with the Primate will be posted to the Anglican church’s national web site www.anglican.ca.  It … Continued

Anglican primate uses webcast to set out priorities

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, speaks to Anglicans about the issues that matter most to him at the outset of his term of office in a webcast to be posted on the church’s national website (www.anglican.ca) Wednesday, Oct. 13 [2004]. The webcast, entitled +Andrew: Conversations with the Primate, will be … Continued

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison of Montreal elected 12th Primate of Anglican Church of Canada

Canadian Anglicans have elected a new Primate.  On the fourth ballot, more than 300 members of General Synod, the church’s chief governing and legislative body, elected Archbishop Andrew Hutchison of Montreal. Archbishop Hutchison, 65, is also Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada and Bishop Ordinary of the Canadian Forces. Members of General Synod took … Continued

Victoria Matthews withdraws as primatial candidate

Bishop Victoria Matthews of the diocese of Edmonton has announced that she will withdraw her name from the list of candidates for election to the office of Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. In a letter to her diocese, Bishop Matthews said:  “Earlier this week, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  This morning I … Continued