At a meeting last week in Vancouver, representatives from the Anglican, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic and United Church organizations, concluded that there is no longer a basis for ecumenical negotiations with the federal government to resolve the legacy of Indian Residential Schools.
he Ecumenical Group on Residential Schools has asked Deputy Prime Minister Herb Gray to agree to the appointment of a mediator to facilitate future negotiations between church organizations and the federal government around litigation arising from the legacy of Indian residential schools.
Leadership of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC), meeting here for the 36th session of General Synod, voted by a narrow majority today to defer decision on a resolution directing General Synod to break off talks with the federal government to express “dissatisfaction and disappointment” over the slow pace of negotiations with the federal government … Continued
An exuberant service of joint worship between Anglicans and Lutherans here today marked the capstone of celebrations concluding nearly two decades of discussions culminating in this week’s historic entente between Canada’s two largest episcopally-based protestant religious denominations. The historic celebration of Eucharist at Waterloo’s civic stadium, bringing together more than 1,000 members of the two … Continued
General Synod, the national body of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC), commenced its formal week-long proceedings today with a message of hope from a prominent U.S. theologian, who said the 2.2 million-member Protestant denomination, “far from teetering on the brink of ruin, is standing on the threshold of glory.” Bishop Steven Charleston, Dean of … Continued
The Anglican Diocese of Cariboo, meeting in what may be its final synod as a diocese, this morning heard its bishop trying to chart a narrow course between unshakable faith and cold hard reality.
The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada has passed a motion urging the federal government to prohibit the cloning of human beings. The 300-member synod consists of bishops, clergy and laity from 30 dioceses across the country and is the churchís highest governing body.
The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada has expressed support for a bishop who has decided to delay action on the blessing of same sex unions for two years. Archbishop Michael Peers said that the decision by New Westminster Bishop Michael Ingham to delay a decision pending further dialogue was a responsible one, which … Continued
The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada says he cannot support armed intervention against Iraq and has urged the Canadian government to seek alternatives to military strikes. Specifically, Archbishop Michael Peers said in a statement that Ottawa should use its position on the United Nations Security Council to press for the development of international … Continued
For the last three weeks I’ve been living among 750 Anglican bishops gathered at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, for the Lambeth Conference, an event that happens only once every ten years. We’ve spent most of our time in bible study, prayer and worship, but we’ve also considered issues that are important in the life of Canada, and of the world.
The Anglican Church of Canada has launched a new Web site in support of its mission work. The site will highlight the church’s successful Volunteers in Mission (VIM) program, which pairs skilled Canadian Anglicans with overseas partners, as well as feature other aspects of mission work
Robin Gibson, director of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund since 1993, died of cancer at his home in Toronto on December 27. An obituary follows. Robin Gibson: 1953 – 1998 Integrity, vision, a love of justice in an inspired administrator TORONTO (Dec. 28) — When Robin Gibson’s computer went to sleep, the screen … Continued