Conversations 2014: Clergy under 40 to gather in Montreal

This content was published more than 10 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Registration for Conversations 2014, an alternative conference for Anglican Church of Canada clergy under the age of 40, is now open. The gathering, taking place at the Diocese of Montreal offices from June 17 to 19, adopts an “unconferencing” approach to professional development, ministry strengthening, and networking.  Participants will engage in peer-to-peer learning and collaborative activities. They will also help shape conversations and workshops in advance of the Montreal event.

The Reverend Rhonda Waters, associate priest at Christ Church Cathedral in Montreal and convener of the Conversations 2014 planning team, saw the value in bringing together the cohort of clergy born between 1973 and 1993. She explains that young clergy are spread out across Canada and have few networking opportunities before stepping into senior leadership roles. Conversations 2014 seeks to change that. Waters notes, “Our church does better when we’re well connected.”

Waters was also eager to comment on the encouragement she has seen for the event, “We’re thrilled at how much support we’re getting from General Synod leadership and from older colleagues who have been really supportive of this venture.”

Conversations 2014 is made possible in part by a Ministry Investment Fund grant, which will offset most costs of the event. For information on pricing, schedule, and accommodations, please visit the Conversations 2014 homepage.

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