John Robertson retires from General Synod

This content was published more than 10 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

John RobertsonIn 1994, Archdeacon John Robertson began work with the General Synod in the area of financial development, work that would strengthen and renew the financial life not only of the General Synod, but of parishes, dioceses, and ministries across Canada, including the Anglican Foundation and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.

After 21 years in that work, John is retiring as of April 30, 2015, though he will continue his chaplaincy work with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and his varied ministry within the Diocese of Ontario.

“I’ve had a wonderful time all these years—met some really great people everywhere in the country,” John said of his time as national gift planning officer for the Anglican Church of Canada.

“I’ve been to every diocese except one, and most of those many times…I’ve worked very closely with bishops, clergy and laypeople in parishes and dioceses and have met some people who are very visionary, thoughtful, generous—just wonderful people, and that’s been very fulfilling.

“I’ve learned a lot, and hopefully as a result of my ministry and the building of relationships, I’ve been able to provide pretty substantial financial support for General Synod, the Anglican Foundation…the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, and a whole host of parishes and dioceses.”

John’s leadership, and his collaboration with many others in dioceses and parishes across the country, helped the Anglican Church of Canada develop its initiatives in planned giving and stewardship education, and the Director of Resources for Mission, Ms. Monica Patten, will be working with John to ensure that the growth he fostered will continue and flourish.

John’s retirement comes at the end of a ministry whose characteristic element was friendship. John’s gift for friendship was not just a matter of personal friendship, but of making friends for the Anglican Church of Canada. John’s enthusiasm and love for the church’s ministries was infectious and his sense of gratitude and generosity led many others to generous and grateful gifts to God’s mission through the life of the church.

In April, friends and colleagues will be invited to join with John in celebration of his ministry of friendship, a ministry that enriched the lives of donors and beneficiaries alike, and that has supported vital ministries by which our church embodies God’s mission. Thank you, John.

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