Save the date for National Worship Conference, July 18-21

All Anglicans are invited to the National Worship Conference in Regina, Saskatchewan, July 18-21, 2024. With a theme of The Stones Cry Out: Praying with the Land, the conference will feature gifted keynote speakers from Indigenous, settler and newcomer communities—Michelle Nieviadomy, Becca Whitlaw and the Rev. Chung Yan Lam—who will guide us as we think, talk and pray about the ways in which we can transform our worship, in authentic ways, from the language and image of empire and colonialism to expressions of faith that honour all our right relationships with God and with each other. Through candid and challenging conversations, we will explore our own experiences, biases, and hopes for new ways of being church.

Mark July 18-21 in your calendar and watch for registration coming soon.

The image of stones that we are using for the 2024 National Worship Conference was created by Wilfred Dieter of Ignite Media.

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