Thank you to all you seekers who have stayed with this page and its development. Welcome to the rest of you who have just happened upon the website of the Anglican Church of Canada.
All visitors to this site will be seeing changes in coming weeks now that a full-time Web manager has been hired. Leanne Larmondin and Keith Nunn will share the duties of Web development over the coming months.
One new area will be the Anglican Book Centre. First up in the online store will be resources for Lent and Easter, and these will be followed by the entire 1998 catalogue.
The staff directory will be redesigned to provide up-to-date telephone and email contacts. A directory of committee members will also be available.
Other plans and possibilities are simmering in the background and will be announced as they come close to being realized. We are beginning to define possible growth areas and input from you is very important to the development of this website.
This is just the beginning. Please feel free to join the process.
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