Human Trafficking Reference Group gathers preliminary information

A meeting of a national Human Trafficking Reference Group took place on Sept. 25-26 at the offices of the General Synod in Toronto, deepening the commitment and action of the Anglican Church of Canada to support the eradication of human trafficking. Seven Anglicans made up the reference group, which included representatives for each of the … Continued

Youth Secretariat charts new way forward

The appointment of Sheilagh McGlynn as youth animator for the Anglican Church of Canada marks a new chapter in the church’s future in youth ministry—the earliest effects of which may be felt in the national Youth Secretariat. Established at the 2010 General Synod in Halifax, the Youth Secretariat brings together a group of representatives from … Continued

Anglican Indigenous Network finds resilience in shared struggles at international conference

Indigenous Anglicans from around the world recently met in southern Ontario to discuss issues affecting Indigenous people within and across national (political) borders. Climate change and intergenerational trauma were two of the main issues that came under discussion, as well as the shared striving towards self-determination for Indigenous peoples. The conference of the Anglican Indigenous … Continued

10th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Canada needs a legislative framework to fulfill the promise of this vital human rights instrument

The Anglican Church of Canada is a member of KAIROS, which has endorsed the following statement in recognition of one decade since the signing of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Our church is fully committed to implementing the UN Declaration with the help of the Vision Keepers Council, established by … Continued

2018 Church Calendar finds balance, beauty in meeting the holy

A longstanding tradition of the Anglican Church of Canada, the annual Canadian Church Calendar saw a major shift in approach in 2017. That year’s calendar was a joint project between the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) —the first time the two full communion partners had collaborated on the … Continued

Observing the Season of Creation 2017

From Sept. 1 to Oct. 4, Anglicans will join in prayer with Christians around the world to sustain and renew the life of the earth as we mark the annual Season of Creation. To help observe the 2017 season, a new web page from the Anglican Church of Canada offers a complete list of related … Continued

Praying for an end to racial violence

The events in Charlottesville, Virginia and the very real threat of more activities on the part of white supremacy movements have been a painful reminder that racialized violence is a sad reality of our time, not only in the United States, but in our own country too. The escalation of racial tension and turmoil leaves … Continued

A prayer for Barcelona

Today the world has witnessed yet another terrorist attack on innocent people. This time it was a van crashing through hundreds of people along the beautiful Las Ramblas Boulevard in Barcelona, Spain. Breaking news reported at least thirteen fatalities and more than eighty injured. As we remember the dead, we pray for those who grieve … Continued

Diocese of Fredericton donates $80,000 return to Anglican Healing Fund

Giving back to support community healing projects addressing the intergenerational impact of residential schools, the Diocese of Fredericton has donated its return from the Anglican Church of Canada Resolution Corporation to the Anglican Healing Fund. Bishop David Edwards sent a letter in July to Archbishop and Primate Fred Hiltz enclosed with a cheque for $80,013.27, … Continued

Deacons’ conference shines light on marginalized communities

The Association of Anglican Deacons in Canada (AADC) held their triennial conference from July 27-30 in Victoria, B.C. Two overarching themes dominated the conference. The first was the plight of marginalized peoples in communities and their struggles with poverty, homelessness, addiction, mental health, and food security. The second theme, reconciliation, included some overlap with the … Continued

Human trafficking discernment group seeks input from Anglicans

The June 2017 meeting of the Council of General Synod saw council members officially endorse Resolution 15.10, the resolution against human trafficking passed in 2012 by the Anglican Consultative Council. Shortly thereafter, the Anglican Church of Canada established a new human trafficking web hub, collecting information and resources to raise awareness of the issue within … Continued