Indigenous language project shares stories of loss and resilience

How would an attempt to wipe out your language affect you? How would it affect your children, and future generations? For Indigenous peoples of Canada, this question is no abstract thought experiment, but a living reality—one of the most harmful and far-reaching impacts of the Indian residential schools, many of which were run by the … Continued

The cross of Christ and the power of his resurrection

In many places the large rough wooden cross carried into the Good Friday liturgy remains in place throughout the first few weeks of Easter. But now bunches of spring flowers surround its foot and a good length of white linen is draped over its arms. Once a cruel instrument of torture and death, it has … Continued

Drought and famine relief embodies spirit of Lent

For one small congregation in the Anglican Diocese of Saskatchewan, the spirit of the Lenten season found palpable expression at a March 12 Sunday service in response to the threat of drought and famine in East Africa. The week prior to the service, United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien declared to the Security Council … Continued

Atrocities and Innocents: A call to prayer by the Primate

In our time in history, terrible crimes against humanity are claiming more and more innocent victims. Last week, the world witnessed horrific images of Syrian children foaming at the mouth, convulsing and dying in the arms of their sobbing mothers and fathers. Their deaths were brought on by yet another round of the use of … Continued

‘Undone, only to be renewed’

As we make our way through Holy Week – that time of such wondrous love, when for my sake and that of all the world Christ gave himself to death, there are two moments when I am invariably ‘undone’. One of those moments is on Maundy Thursday. We will have recalled the Last Supper and … Continued

Yukon bishop’s ministry of presence brings him back to parish life

Making crafts with children is not the first activity one typically thinks of when considering Episcopal ministry. But for Bishop Larry Robertson, it’s all part of the job in his new role as rector of the Church of the Northern Apostles in Whitehorse, Yukon. Since last summer, Bishop Robertson has been serving a hybrid role … Continued

General Synod appoints reconciliation animator

Taking another step towards healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada has appointed Ms. Melanie Delva as its reconciliation animator, effective June 1, 2017. Ms. Delva currently serves as Archivist for the Diocese of New Westminster and the Provincial Synod of B.C. and Yukon, a position she … Continued

Cree Language Healing Project restores cultural identity

Raised by his grandparents in northern Saskatchewan, the Rev. Samuel Halkett never attended a residential school. “I was one of the lucky ones,” said Halkett, who grew up speaking Cree and worked as a Cree language instructor before becoming an Anglican priest. “That’s the only language I knew,” he added. “And it’s the culture I … Continued

‘A tribute to a dear friend in Christ’

It is with great sadness that our Church mourns the death of one of its most widely and highly respected leaders, Terence Edward Finlay. In the course of his ordained ministry which spanned almost fifty-six years, he was known as Father, Archdeacon, Bishop, Archbishop, The Primate’s Envoy for Residential Schools, Co-Chair of the Primate’s Commission … Continued

Congregational development: Mission and organizational health

The following is part of an ongoing series on congregational development, which features reflections from Anglicans on how they are responding to the challenges facing churches today. A longtime trainer at the Diocesan School for Parish Development in Vancouver, B.C., Tasha Carrothers is familiar with a wide range of models for congregational development. Currently ministry … Continued

Rupert’s Land Urban Indigenous Ministry promotes traditional and Christian healing practices

As urban Indigenous ministry developer for the Diocese of Rupert’s Land, the Rev. Vincent Solomon plays the lead role in ongoing work to bolster Indigenous Anglican ministry in the city of Winnipeg—work that has three major components. Responsible for growing and ministering to a new worshipping community, Solomon was installed as Incumbent at the opening … Continued

How Anglicans and partners are confronting human trafficking

A renewed focus across the worldwide Anglican Communion to tackle human trafficking kicked into high gear in 2012 when the Anglican Consultative Council passed Resolution 15:10 on the Trafficking of Persons. The resolution urged provinces in the Anglican Communion to learn about and raise awareness of trafficking in their respective countries and to work towards … Continued