Finding Christ in prison

The following is the first instalment of a multi-part series detailing the work of Anglicans involved in prison ministry. Visit the Anglican Church of Canada website in the coming weeks for future instalments. Anglicans serving as prison chaplains at federal and provincial institutions have seen a multitude of changes impacting their work in recent years. … Continued

Congregational development: Managing change

The following is part of an ongoing monthly series on congregational development, which features reflections from Anglicans on how they are responding to the challenges facing churches today. In a constantly changing world, the basic premise of congregational development today remains largely unchanged, according to the Rev. Lynn Uzans. For Uzans—currently serving as transition minister … Continued

Gifts for Mission: Provide a safe house for a family

The heartbreaking loss of life resulting from house fires has left a particular impact on many Indigenous communities—a tragedy that Archdeacon Sidney Black knows only too well. Growing up on a small farm in Siksika Nation in southern Alberta, Black—currently co-chair of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples—was in his mid-teens on the autumn night … Continued

Iona Report outlines new vision for diaconal ministry

What is the diaconate and where is it going? More than 25 years have passed since significant reflection on the nature of diaconal ministry within the Anglican Church of Canada took place at the national level. In the ensuing decades, a wide discrepancy in the practice and understanding of the diaconate across the country had … Continued

Gifts for Mission: Help a farmer replant after an emergency

When disaster strikes—whether natural or human-caused—one of the biggest risks to people living in the affected areas is food security. Floods and hurricanes can quickly wipe out farmers’ crops, while refugees fleeing from war and conflict find themselves in new and unfamiliar lands, often without tools to grow food. As a member of the ACT … Continued

National Housing Day 2016: A call to prayer

In the spirit of the 2013 Joint Assembly Declaration, we call on members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) to pray for safe, affordable and adequate housing for all on November 22, National Housing Day.