Cuban church farm bolsters food security

The following marks the second instalment of our report on Justice Camp 2016. Read part one. I set out with the Anglican Video crew from Matanzas at the crack of dawn. Riding shotgun in the van, I was exhausted. Having failed to sleep at all the previous night due to constant crowing from the retreat centre rooster, I used … Continued

Justice Camp 2016: Exploring the common good

Our plane touched down in Varadero, Cuba in the early afternoon of Saturday, April 30. Stepping outside after passing through security, Canadian Anglicans gathered in front of a sign made by our Cuban counterparts welcoming us to the first international Justice Camp. We drove a half-hour to the city of Matanzas aboard a school bus … Continued

A call to prayer for the people of Fort McMurray

As wildfires ravage the City of Fort McMurray, l ask for the prayers of the whole church. This is a terrifying time for the residents, all of whom have had to evacuate. I think particularly of how stressful this is for those who are critically ill and those who tend them under these very difficult … Continued

Arctic diocese set to re-open training school

After nearly a decade interval, the Arthur Turner Training School (ATTS) will open its doors again this fall, spearheading diocesan education across the Arctic from its new location at St. Jude’s Cathedral in Iqaluit. Re-opening the school has long been a priority for the Anglican diocese of the Arctic, with the Rt. Rev. Darren McCartney, … Continued

Anglican entities’ financial obligations under the Residential School Settlement Agreement

To members of the Anglican Church of Canada, and ecumenical and interfaith partners: Since the article “Other churches escape residential-school settlement obligations in wake of Catholic deal” was published in the Globe and Mail on April 27, 2016, the General Synod and several dioceses and partners have been receiving questions about the reported $2.8-million return … Continued

Jerusalem Sunday and the ties that bind

For the Rev. Canon Richard LeSueur, the meaning of Jerusalem Sunday was encapsulated in a letter he received from Archbishop Michael Peers, then-Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, while living in Jerusalem during the First Intifada. “We would go to bed at night and we would hear gunfire echoing off the Mount of Olives,” … Continued

Joint Anglican-Lutheran youth gathering sells out

When Anglican and Lutheran youth come together for their national gathering later this summer in Charlottetown, P.E.I., they will be doing so with a sold-out crowd. The National Planning Committee for the Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (CLAY) gathering recently announced that the venue had reached its maximum capacity for the 2016 event and no new … Continued

A Word from our Bishop

As you know by now and as you will see elsewhere in this newsletter, my successor Padre Nigel Shaw was chosen by members of the Anglican Military Ordinariate on March 5th and ratified by the Primate and the four Metropolitans (Regional Archbishops). This is good news indeed and we wish Nigel, Janet and their family every blessing in this new and blessed ministry.

Justice Camp furthers bond between Canadian and Cuban churches

When the eighth Justice Camp begins on April 30 in Matanzas, Cuba—the first time the event has taken place outside Canada—its participants will include 25 Canadians and 25 Cubans, brought together by their common faith in Christ and a shared commitment to social justice. Justice Camp 2016 is organized by the Episcopal Church of Cuba, … Continued

Congregational development: ‘It’s being a missionary’

The following is part of a new monthly series on congregational development, which features reflections from Anglicans on how they are responding to the challenges and opportunities facing the church today. Looking out across the landscape of Canadian Anglican churches today, the Rev. Dr. Gary Nicolosi, rector of St. James Westminster Church in London, Ont., … Continued

Find a Church website offers handy reference for Anglicans, Lutherans

Locating an Anglican or Lutheran church anywhere in Canada is quicker and easier than ever thanks to a convenient new website. A joint venture between the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), uses a simple interface to help users instantly find a church near them or in … Continued

A message from Archbishop Fred Hiltz

Earlier this week in Pikangikum, nine people, all members of one family, died in a house fire. It is impossible to know all the things that make up this tragedy, but we know that it took place in cramped and inadequate housing that is particularly vulnerable to fire, we know that fire suppression services in Indigenous communities are often inadequate, lacking the resources they need to carry out their life-saving work. We know that 90% of the homes do not have running water.