Sacred Circle young people launch video–Walking the Dream

Young people attending last summer’s Sacred Circle in Pinawa, Man., did something unusual: with the help of adult leaders and General Synod staff, they made a video reflecting on seven traditional Indigenous teachings and on how those teachings connect to their own Christian faith.

Catechist training empowers local leaders

Twelve Indigenous leaders from across Canada attended a catechist (faith teacher) training event at General Synod offices in Toronto May 17 to 19. In seven modules, the training equipped leaders with the basics about the Christian faith so they could teach others and strengthen faith locally.

Joint Pentecost letter from Anglican, Lutheran leaders

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has issued this joint pastoral letter for Pentecost with Bishop Susan C. Johnson, National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The two churches share a full communion agreement that includes joint mission work and a joint national meeting in July 2013. This letter is designed to be read in parishes on Pentecost Sunday, May 19.

This summer, act for Indigenous justice

Summer 2013 will be a season of landmarks for Canadians committed to truth, reconciliation, and equity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. June 11 is the fifth anniversary of the prime minister’s apology for residential schools, and Aug. 6 is the twentieth anniversary of the Anglican Church of Canada’s apology for residential schools.