Primate asks Canadian Anglicans to respond to Windsor Report

This content was published more than 20 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has asked members of the church to send him their personal responses to the Windsor Report on unity in the Anglican Communion.

In the second segment of “+Andrew: Conversations with the Primate” which will be posted to the church’s national web site tomorrow, Archbishop Hutchison summarizes the contents of the Windsor report and the process through which responses to it will be gathered.  Initially, all Anglican primates are to bring their own church’s responses to a meeting of primates in Belfast next February [2005].

The Windsor report summarizes findings of the Lambeth Commission created by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.  The commission was asked to consider ways in which the world-wide Anglican communion can stay together in the light of stresses created by issues such as the blessing of same-sex unions in one Canadian diocese and the election of a gay bishop in the U.S. Episcopal Church.

In his webcast, however, Archbishop Hutchison stresses that Canadian Anglicans should respond to the issue of unity, not to issues that threaten unity.  He invites Canadian Anglicans to send their responses to the Windsor report to

The second segment of “+Andrew: Conversations with the Primate” will be posted to the Anglican Church of Canada website — at 10 a.m. EST.  People may view or download the webcast at a time convenient to them, and are invited to write to Archbishop Hutchison at

The webcast is produced by Anglican Video; production is financially assisted by the Anglican Foundation.

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