Primate asks prayers for Chile

This content was published more than 15 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

My fellow Anglicans:

I ask you to join me in prayer today for the people of Chile and two of its principal cities—Concepción and Santiago—where a devastating earthquake struck early Saturday morning. There is surely loss of life, though we don’t yet have details on that, and, as with the disaster in Haiti only six weeks ago, there is no doubt that a great many people will be homeless and have their lives disrupted.

Events at this time are still unfolding as the damage caused by the very strong earthquake and its aftershocks is compounded by the threat of a tsunami that, we are told, could potentially affect all nations with Pacific shorelines.

I ask you to include this request in your prayers at your Sunday Eucharist and in the coming days.

+Fred Hiltz
Archbishop and Primate

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